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SMW: Yoshi's Super Adventure

Super Mario World Hacks → SMW: Yoshi's Super Adventure

Submission Details

Name: SMW: Yoshi's Super Adventure
Author: aroohwahoou
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 44 exit(s)
Type: Standard: Normal
Description: Yoshi goes on a quest to save Peach since Mario and Luigi are too busy! Various levels ensue.

This is my first SMW hack, which I have been working on (off and on) since 2021.
Hack was tested and works properly on original hardware + CRT.

(Change log can be found in the readme file.)
Tags: asm bosses exgfx hdma music non-mario sa-1 traditional yoshi
Comments: 21 (jump to comments)
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Comments (21)

biddyfox Pinned From older version: SMW: Yoshi's Super Adventure Link
Who made the music?
Erickyx-SMwN13 Link
It's really the most beautiful Romhack I've ever seen.
moldormyaboy30000 Link
"HausHaus" and it was made by Biddy Fox give me the location to it!
Agus_r0m Link
How do you get the secret exit in the Treacherous Caves level? (2-3) I tested every possible exit and I can't figure it out
Peppamy Link
Seriously fun gameplay with a toy-like and stylish sprite set, not to mention the lovely music choice~
The rendition of "Palmtree Panic - Past" used in this mod is one of my personal faves and I wish I could find the composer. The difficulty did not sit too low for very long, which is pretty fun I think!
PepsiLover22 Link
a very solid attempt for a first hack here the highlights are the graphics and also the levels it seemed a little strange and at the same time funny to see yoshi riding on a yoshi but I think that is part of the charm of this hack I really enjoyed this
T-Bone Link
very good for a first hack!
Hooded Edge Link
Just a really chill romp with some incredibly great visuals. Loved playing this!!
IcAnTkAiZo Link
great hack so far, but i cant for the life of me figure out how to get out of the ghost house,
all doors lead back to the beginning of the level then i follow t he p switch hints and i get a shell.... for what reason?!
aroohwahoou Author Link
The sign at the far right of Toad Town is a sort of vague hint for what paths you're supposed to take.

As for the shell, you use it to hit the brick block to the right.
MateusCarvalho590 Link
 Ringo Link
The graphical style of this hack is now one of my favorites! Everything is so pleasing to look at, especially the palette work. It's definitely making me take notes for future works.

I had a really good time moderating this! The levels were pretty fun to go through, and the music choices were really good.

(Also I've fixed some of the tags as per guidelines)
Mikelan From older version: SMW: Yoshi's Super Adventure Link
Where are these graphics from so cute
HotmessRN From older version: SMW: Yoshi's Super Adventure Link
This is fun to play! Feels well thought out and polished. My one complaint would be the item carrying mechanic but overall a fun hack
 BeeKaay From older version: SMW: Yoshi's Super Adventure Link
Moderation notes:

- There's a softlock in the Red Switch Palace.
- In the Red Switch Palace, even though these blocks look the same, they behave differently: the ones on the left are not solid for sprites, but the ones on the right are. Blocks that behave differently should look different.
- In "Rude", this obstacle was extremely tight, to the point that I stopped trying it, brought a cape in from another level, and flew over it.
- The checkpoint in "THE FINALE" does not save if you bring up the save prompt on the overworld. This would be fine if the final boss was around the same difficulty as the rest of the game, but it was a big difficulty spike and was the first place in the game I got a game-over. The lives system also failed me here: I got to the final level with three lives, the game saves lives to SRAM, and I only had enough coins to buy three more lives, so every game-over I only had six lives to do both sections of the final level and beat the boss (on that note, even with the checkpoint, having to do the entire second half just for a shot at the boss also became frustrating). Eventually I discovered this life farm so that I could keep the checkpoint for a while, and beat the game.

Personal thoughts:

- The modified item-carry mechanics added some awkwardness to my playthrough because they invalidated my muscle memory for handling carryable items.
- All in all cute hack. I can tell a lot of work went into the graphics and other vibes. The NPC text was also very funny. I think it would be even more enjoyable with some difficulty balancing as noted above.
moldormyaboy30000 From older version: SMW: Yoshi's Super Adventure Link
On SMW Yoshi's Super Adventure Part 4 0:43 what is the name of that music and what is it from? Tell me please?!
biddyfox From older version: SMW: Yoshi's Super Adventure Link
I made it. You can find the OST on bandcamp by searching "Yoshi's Super Adventure OST."
ske2004 From older version: SMW: Yoshi's Super Adventure Link
really cute hack. yoshi's my favorite.
ShirleyVAga From older version: SMW: Yoshi's Super Adventure Link
Seems like I'm 1st to comment .
Played a few levels and it's quite the good hack so far.
Only thing i noticed is if you save the game and then reset the collected yoshi coins are reset.
Not sure if that's intended.
aroohwahoou Author From older version: SMW: Yoshi's Super Adventure Link
thank you!
also yeah, I intentionally left yoshi coins vanilla in that regard.
ShirleyVAga From older version: SMW: Yoshi's Super Adventure Link
so that also means they are basically not needed for completion?