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Super Mario World (Pre-release) – Lakitu

SMW Graphics → Super Mario World (Pre-release) – Lakitu

Submission Details

Name: Super Mario World (Pre-release) – Lakitu
Author: zAce08xZ
Type: Ripped
Purpose: Sprite
Slots Used: SP4
Palette Row(s) Used: A, D
Description: An early version of Lakitu.

This is meant to be used with the SMB3 Lakitu.

You must change the cloud's palette by editing the ASM file (lakitu_smb3.asm). Locate the line:
;Cloud palette
!CloudPal = $02
Then, change $02 to $0B , so it looks like this:
!CloudPal = $0B

Credit is optional.
Tags: cloud lakitu lakitu boss
Download 1.90 KiB | 11 downloads


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