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Teleport to screen exit level + 1

SMW Blocks → Teleport to screen exit level + 1

Submission Details

Name: Teleport to screen exit level + 1
Author: Ersanio
Act As: 25
Includes GFX: No
Description: This block teleports you to the current screen's exit + 1. So if your screen exit is set to level 41, this block teleports you to level 42. Also can affect the entrance settings, like water level, or secondary entrance. Note that you must press "Up" in order to teleport. To be used with BTSD.

Made by NamelessProtagonist's request.
Tags: lorom teleport
Comments: 5 (jump to comments)
5.0 (1 rating)
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Download 664 bytes | 520 downloads

Comments (5)

S.R.H. Link
@Piston: Delete "LDA $15 AND #$08 BEQ Return" and it should work.
Piston Link
Can you make a second Version?
So the Player must not press the button, or can you tell me, what in the Code i have to delete? I cant ASM.
 Lexator Link
I know, but excuse me, it was an error of my part.
I used an old version of BTSD.
I'm sorry :)
Vitor Vilela Link
How it didn't work, Lexator?

By the way, this block increases the screen exit level number and not the screen exit itself.
 Lexator Link
Didn't work...