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Tools → Trashkas

Submission Details

Name: Trashkas
Author: Iceguy
Operating System: Windows
Platforms: SNES
Games: SMW
Source Available: No
Featured: No
Website: None
Description: A tool I made which converts TRASM style sprites into a format usable by Asar/xkas. To use, either double click the application to convert all sprite files in the folder or drag the relevant sprite .cfg files onto the application to convert them.

Requires NET Framework 2.0.
Tags: assembler converter sprites
Comments: 4 (jump to comments)
3.8 (4 ratings)
No rating
Download 6.03 KiB | 1,670 downloads

Comments (4)

Amomario123w Link
this tool really help me with my old sprite originally for romi's sprite tool but one question why do they do the transition from romi's to pixi's sprite tool anyone cuold help me why me being someone that doesn't know programing anything.
Thiago678 Link
Now i can use romi sprites in PIXI
El Cuh Fermin Link
Really useful to convert old sprites to pixi
Torchkas Link