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Special Level Number List

Documents → Special Level Number List

Submission Details

Name: Special Level Number List
Author: hub911
Platforms: SNES
Games: SMW
Type: Documentation
Language: English
Description: All the Boss Levels, Special GFX levels, Switch Palaces, Test Levels, Wings Levels etc. and what they do
Tags: levels special levels
Comments: 2 (jump to comments)
4.0 (3 ratings)
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Comments (2)

Drummerrific Link
Hey hub911. I think your work was good. I took it and added a bunch of levels and info and updated it as well. Thank you for your work that made my work easier.
Peace out.
trillian Link
You use comic sans, which looks very unprofessional.
Most of the "DO NOT USE/EDIT" could be removed, you can edit them, you just need to consider the extra info for the level.
Going to level 0/100 doesn't crash the game, it softlocks.
Big Boo Boss takes 3 hits.
No-Auto-Move levels don't move the player automatically on the overworld after beating them.
You could have documented level 24 (chocolate island 2) a little better.
You say the lemmy required hit count is editable, but so is every other boss's hit count.
IIRC most bosses kill all sprites when they die.