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Mario 64 Level Importer v16

Tools → Mario 64 Level Importer v16

Submission Details

Name: Mario 64 Level Importer v16
Author: messiaen
Operating System: Windows
Platforms: N64
Games: SM64
Source Available: No
Featured: Essential
Website: None
Description: TT64 is pretty limited as it can only edit landscape already in Super Mario 64. This tool will allow you to create your own landscape so you can have complete control of every aspect needed to create a custom SM64 level.

You may want to check out this page, too, to avoid running into any problems when running the tool.
Tags: editor inserter
Comments: 5 (jump to comments)
4.4 (5 ratings)
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Download 3.78 MiB | 5,707 downloads

Comments (5)

CiaranMario Link
this is the best thing I've ever seen in my entire life! Great job!#smw{:TUP:}#smw{:TUP:}#smw{:TUP:}#smw{:TUP:}#smw{:TUP:}#smw{:TUP:}#smw{:TUP:}#smw{:TUP:}#smw{:TUP:}#smw{:TUP:}#smw{:TUP:}
Mechanical koopa Link
it seems that MOST things, including patches, the tools om smwcentral, ant some emulators cant actually use .n64 files. try finding a .z64 file, as those actually work.
CoDot Studios Link
Sounds good.
ASuperMarioWiggler Link
Well, crap. This thing won't support .N64 files.
Lemmy Koopa Link
With this can create a Level on Mario 64 ???