Name: | Hack |
Author: | Golden Yoshi |
Added: | |
Demo: | No |
Hall of Fame: | No |
Length: | 9 exit(s) |
Type: | Standard: Normal |
Description: | What?! After playing Funky for the 10,000th consecutive time, a secret key exit appeared. What could this be? |
Tags: | asm vanilla variety |
Comments: | 10 (jump to comments) |
Rating: |
112.43 KiB | 5,824 downloads
Comments (10)
There are a lot of ineffective enemy and trap placements, some ideas feel underutilized. The worst offender is the final level in my opinion, you're basically never able to control your pace, despite that the game does give you a time challenge, which really makes no real difference except when you slip up at escorting Luigi (which couild've been instant death at this point) that only leads to frustration when there is no checkpoint at such a fairly long level that always plays out the same.
Even worse, the games asks you to do the whole thing again, just as small Mario, which does nothing add to the equation, as most hazards are deathless pits, spike where you can't jump out of them or other stuff that instantly kills, already at the first time the mushrooms were never useful and I beat it without wasting one. Doing it again after several failed attempts it redundant at best and feels like a waste of time, since the few enemies in the level were ineffectively placed that it's highly unlikely that they've ever hit you.
So I give this one a C- compared to SMW Hacking standards, but it's an old hack an i'm sure the creator has become a lot better in this.
One rookie mistake I did was not check out the sparkling blue light which happens to be your save area. I only managed to get 8/9 exits. I'm not sure if there is a 9th exit, and if so, not sure how to go about finding it. Overall, I found Hack to be super creative and had lots of fun (even when I had to redo a few levels to properly save ^_^). I plan to check out the rest of the series. Thank you!
The level called "Far Out" really made me think about when I needed to spin jump (vs regular jump). Having the platforms change like that was super fun.
Also, even though the mechanic in the "Phat" wasn't new to me (falling through the bottom of the screen drops you out of the top of the screen), I really enjoyed it.
P.S. I never got my bonus rewards for beating the final level!
*I wanted to mention that the screen flickered at the top for me a bit on the last level (well... the last 2 levels that were essentially identical). Still completely playable. I noticed that flickering kept going on when I got dropped back to the title screen. Once I pressed a button, the flicker went away. Anyway, I just thought I'd mention this as an FYI. For context, I'm playing these hacks with RetroPie using the defaults which was to use "lr-snes9x2010" for the emulator. I think the game is just as playable without fixing, but I thought I'd mention it just in case it helps to know.
It's also interesting that this is the only "hack" of all of them (that I have played) to have a lives system, which was later ditched. Despite the lives, you're able to save on the overworld at any point, meaning this is the only entry where you could theoretically challenge yourself to not get a single game over. I also understand that since saving can be done so easily, it means there's no real punishment if you run out of lives besides waiting an extra 4 seconds before heading back to the overworld. You can see it both ways for sure, so this factor won't deduct my rating for the game.
The plot of this game suggests that this is a "secret secret world" as this hack's levels existed in SMW. You just have to play and beat "Funky" 10,000 times in a row to do so (without dying once I assume). Once you do that, a key and keyhole will spawn in the beginning of the stage. This is simply a hack that lets you skip the tedium and go straight to that part of SMW, or so this hack suggests.
As the plot alludes, each level is named after surfer terms, much like Super Mario World's special world. Every level contains a central gimmick with an info box explaining the rules you have to follow in order to pass the level successfully. These gimmicks range from no jumping, boo vs you races, luigi escort missions, on/off triggering by spinjumping, and much more. Unlike the other "hacks", most levels only contain one exit. It's all good stuff.
I also applaud the final level, "Epic". Not only does it challenge you with gimmicks you've already learned throughout the game, but it merges them together to create some unique obstacles. The only thing that does suck is
A well done first entry in the series. 5/5.
or, should it be 0/5 because this only bypasses the Funky secret exit and that these are all just re-releases of levels from the original game? Well, if my uncle can work for Nintendo, so can Golden Yoshi. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that these were his levels from 1990.
Your hack is very interesting, every level introduces a unique and fun concept. ASM hacks are used in a clever way, and graphics are colorful and fun.
Difficulty is well-balanced and the game can totally be beaten without using savestates. Thank you for putting a save point on the overworld, very useful (and so counts for the well-balanced difficulty).
10/10 (5 stars) Had a very good time, thank you =]