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Super Mario World: The After Years (Ultra)

Super Mario World Hacks → Super Mario World: The After Years (Ultra)

Submission Details

Name: Super Mario World: The After Years (Ultra)
Author: EvilGuy0613
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 100 exit(s)
Type: Standard: Normal
Description: Many years into the future, after the former heroes of the Mushroom Kingdom no longer exist; strange events begin to take place when the new antagonist: Nova, moves onto the island. A young boy by the name of Mute, has been recruited by the new princess of the Mushroom Kingdom to help fight for what’s left of the land. But does he have what it takes to defeat Nova?
Play the first episode of the action pack series, “Super Mute World.”

WARNING: Not fully compatible with SNES9x/bsnes. [Reason: Not otherwise specified]
Tags: asm exgfx fixme non-linear
Comments: 6 (jump to comments)
4.4 (14 ratings)
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Comments (6)

 yogui Link
About the WARNING: Not fully compatible with SNES9x/bsnes.
I played the game using bsnes+ and don't recall encountering any incompatibilities. The music doesn't break on accurate emulator.
 Daizo Dee Von Link
I recommend this to anybody who wants to know the future of the Mushroom Kingdom, as well as a good variety of levels!
theultimategamer_100 Link
Agreed. this hack is 100% completely amazing.
Doopliss Link
Excellent story/plot, GFX, music, level design, & gameplay! I really like this hack a lot. However, I can only give it 2 thumbs up, because I only have 2 hands. Lol, just kidding (not about having 2 hands, though). Great hack, sir or madam! :D
KaosKontroller Link
I already gave my opinion on this hack in a thread I made, and for starters I have to wonder why The After Years hasn't gotten more reviews...
...Because simply put, THIS IS HANDS DOWN MY FAVORITE HACK. The story is an excellent take on the years of the Mushroom Kingdom following the era of Mario and Bowser and the character Mute is a joy to see as he develops through it (there are a few typos around but on my first playthrough I honestly didn't notice; I was too absorbed into it!.
The music goes over a borderline insane variety and contains SMW ports of a LOT of gaming gems including Sonic and Knuckles, Cave Story, multiple Megaman series, Chrono Trigger, several Mario Classics, Star Fox, Final Fantasy VI, Terranigma; the list goes on and on!!
The gameplay does contain a rare few quirks but is otherwise among the most solid games I have ever seen. A few bits of asm are used, and they're used so in ways that don't feel forced or sluggish, and the level design is really creative and keeps a good difficulty scale for the most part; anytime something screwed me up I felt it was more due to something I was doing wrong and less the fault of the game's design.
If I had never known about Mario in the first place (though that's pretty much an impossibility) and had been shown this it could easily pass for a standalone game of its own; it's that good! Hands down my favorite hack of all time.
Uruk-haiii Link


Ok mate im played this hack before 1 year and i will play it again.When i finish,you wil get hack rates