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Super Mario World Redrawn

SMW Graphics → Super Mario World Redrawn

Submission Details

Name: Super Mario World Redrawn
Author: icegoom
Type: Original
Purpose: Graphics Hack
Slots Used:
Palette Row(s) Used:
Description: Icegoom's original description: "I've played a lot of SMW hacks. Many of them have really cool graphical changes. But one thing that always bugged me was that no matter how extensive the changes were elsewhere, there were always a certain amount of old SMW sprites left over. You can't rip climbing Koopas, Urchins, Fishin' Boo, or Bowser's Clown Car from other games. So I set out to redraw every single sprite in the game in a Gameboy Advance/Nintendo DS style. Along the way, I also started doing foreground objects.

Basically, this hack is here for anyone starting work on a Super Mario World hack who wants a complete and stylistically consistent spriteset. The sprites themselves are basically done, although I'll tweak them quite a bit for the next release. The foregrounds are in an incomplete state, and I haven't even started replacing the backgrounds yet. The overworld's had extensive work done on it, but there are a lot of screwed up palettes I haven't bothered to fix yet.

Anyhoo, these sprites are here for whoever wants them. Completely open source, no credit necessary. Just focus on making some fun Super Mario World hacks, guys."

It's had some modifications from the version hosted in hacks section, some things might be different as the overworld, palettes of some sprites, so you'll have to fix some things yourself with Overworld Editor and with external tools as Tweaker as for some sprites.

It also includes a folder with alternate redrawn graphics in case you feel like trying different versions of graphics icegoom has made before. With this said, hope you enjoy it!
Tags: needs remoderation redrawn
Comments: 11 (jump to comments)
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Comments (11)

Luis. is. zzz. Link
this hack rom is beautiful and a blessing to my eyes, only thing is that fire mario could be better with the original color palette but it's ok.
overall a good looking hack!
MegaSonic1999 Link
Is it me, or redrawn Mario is from Mario Party Advance ?
Astrakitu Link
Yeah that's correct. In addition, I think the Dragon Coins are also a definite edit of part of Yoshi's sprites from the same game.
Mapping_bl Link
bush are glitchy
BreadEater Link
i wonder why the palettes are messed up
RetroBlue Gamer Link
Oh! Looks Nice!
Queman Link
Beautiful! Only thing missing is custom Title Screen Tiles.
Klug Link
Originally posted by h.carrell
This looks kinda nice but how to I insert allgfx.bin

Turn on the "Merge GFX files" option in Lunar Magic, and click the "Quick Extract GFX in ROM" button in the main toolbar.
ASuperMarioWiggler Link
H.carrell on an ipad Link
This looks kinda nice but how to I insert allgfx.bin
Green Jerry Link

Cutoff is present in this picture!