Name: | Super Pika Land Ultra: Chocolate Version |
Author: | Doownayr89 |
Added: | |
Version History: | View |
Demo: | No |
Hall of Fame: | No |
Length: | 60 exit(s) |
Type: | Standard: Hard |
Description: | The sorta-sequel to SPLU Vanilla. Unlike Vanilla, it uses custom blocks, sprites, ASM, and all that other cool stuff. And the enemies are actually Pok´mon this time! Ain't technology wonderful?! It's about 60 levels long with a couple of well-hidden surprises and "references." Enjoy! (Update 3/4/2014: removed some fake difficulty and added a butt-load of cosmetic changes) |
Tags: | asm exgfx music non-mario pokemon |
Comments: | 5 (jump to comments) |
Rating: |
605.48 KiB | 13,954 downloads
Comments (5)
but overall a really great hack. should be rated very hard if you ask me.
not much to say, besides a bit too much castlevania music for my taste.
ps: the 4 "bonus" levels gave me nightmares. why would u do this
The didda in manic mines despawned if you not move 1 second after go into the level.
Just anoying.