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BRR Player

Tools → BRR Player

Submission Details

Name: BRR Player
Author: Vitor Vilela
Operating System: Windows
Platforms: SNES
Games: General, SMW
Source Available: No
Featured: No
Website: None
Description: BRR Player is a simple player that lets you play BRR samples. It lets you configure at real time the pitch, volume and adsr/gain and works like a virtual keyboard. Plus it lets you configure how to load the BRR samples, making easier to listen on how the sample should really be in song.

As a bonus, it has some volume tools included.

More details in readme.
Tags: adsr brr brr samples gain keyboard volume
Comments: 9 (jump to comments)
4.5 (19 ratings)
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Comments (9)

jeffythedragonslayer Link
Steps to recreate the ignored pitch scrollbar bug:

1. Download "Arcade game complete or approved mission" from
2. Rename it to mission.wav for further expediancy
3. Convert it to mission.brr with Bregeland's brr_encoder
4. Launch Vitor's BRR Player and open mission.brr; expect it to autoplay at lower pitch than the WAV
5. Press the "Stop" button; expect the "Pause" button label to change to "Play"
6. Drag the pitch scrollbar such that it is an octave or more higher (too lazy to figure out exact pitch of that WAV)
7. Press the "Play" button; expect BRR to play at higher pitch
8. Press the "Stop" button
9. Press the "Play" button; BRR file plays at the incorrect original pitch it first auto-played upon opening with, ignoring the pitch scrollbar
DeadlyKawaii Link
Nice work! #smrpg{gasp}
goldenrules Link
it'd be wonderful for non-windows users if this thing could run in the browser or without wine.
TheLucraftTeam Link
MooingLemur Link
As it stands, the tool does not work in Wine, but it may be as a result of something very simple. The version of Mono that Wine ships appears not to support System.Diagnostics.Process.get_ProcessName for foreign processes on non-Win32 platforms, and it appears that BRRPlayer uses this to make sure it's running only once. Either BRR Player should handle this exception, or perhaps we could use a command line option to disable the run-only-one-instance check?

[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.InvalidOperationException: Process has exited or is inaccessible, so the requested information is not available.
  at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_ProcessName () [0x0002d] in <d6e1ee6718364b74ad99576b8fa4c75c>:0 
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Diagnostics.Process:get_ProcessName ()
  at AM4Play.Program.EnsureSingleInstance (System.String arg0) [0x00024] in <4674fac95c6a4b38b4cc746173e34e09>:0 
  at AM4Play.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00010] in <4674fac95c6a4b38b4cc746173e34e09>:0 
mish1 Link
Very good tool!
Jesse the Scientist Link
Somehow, my Chrome browser detected this tool as malicious even though it's not.
Vitor Vilela Author Link
3.8 rating? Looks like I will have to redo it someday.
People should comment on what's wrong though instead of just dropping down the tool's rating.
 MarioFanGamer Link
Very usefull tool for music porters. The only downside is the missing vibrator (edit: and maybe tremolo). You should implement it for the next version and if you can, obiviously. ;)