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Rob-omb's Quest: Hard

Super Mario World Hacks → Rob-omb's Quest: Hard

Submission Details

Name: Rob-omb's Quest: Hard
Author: videogamerpat
Demo: Yes
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 84 exit(s)
Type: Standard: Normal
Description: This is a tougher version of the already tough, Rob-omb's Quest: Easy. While it doesn't need savestates you'll get many game-overs in this. Rob-omb is searching for the magic powder keg, the thing that prevents bob-ombs from being when they explode! The screenshots below are not the originals.
Tags: asm exgfx less exgfx music traditional
Comments: 1 (jump to comments)
4.0 (3 ratings)
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Comments (1)

GeminiSunfall Link
This hack is mostly identical to the Easy Version, I'm just going to link my review of that one, since the Hard Version is mostly the same thing.
Click here if you want to know more about Rob-Omb's Quest in general

That said, there are many differences here and there throughout the hack, which were made to increase the overall difficulty of the hack. Said differences include:
-Modification of landforms
-Removal or shrinkage of platforms
-Addition of more enemies / enemy generators
-Spikes and chompers are added to some spots
-New segments are added to some places
-More goal traps to figure out and avoid.
-New gimmicks added to a few levels (i.e. leading a disco shell through an autoscrolling stage to open a necessary vine block)

Other than those changes, it's largely the same hack but with more difficult setups all throughout.

It still manages to retain a good difficulty curve for the most part, the only exceptions being the switch palaces, which are significantly tougher in this version--most likely because of how much more rewarding switch blocks are in this version compared to Easy. Some places get ridiculously hard though, particularly the seventh castle which borders on Kaizo levels of platforming speed and precision.