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Kuribo_Shoe the Adventure

Super Mario World Hacks → Kuribo_Shoe the Adventure

This file contains content (such as flashing imagery) that may be harmful to people with photosensitive epilepsy or similar conditions. Discretion is advised.

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Comments (1)

MercuryPenny Link
The complete and utter lack of midway points adds an unnecessary layer of fake difficulty to an otherwise decent, yet monotonous hack.

The aesthetics are varied, but the design itself is always a couple goombas and koopas, a flame or wiggler or bob-omb and then it starts over. It gets boring to play after you beat the first level, especially when you have to deal with starting over from the beginning every time you die in the second level, which is excruciatingly long.

Graphical swaps are actually kind of neat and creative, changing the coins to the bonus coins from the pink berry cloud, hopping flames to the fireballs bowser drops on you, etc. The only real instances of 'custom' graphics is Mario himself and maybe the status bar, but to the less knowledgeable they wouldn't tell the difference.

Unfortunately, the graphical swaps and neato palettes are all I can say about this hack that is good. The long levels without any midway points really kill the experience.
