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HammerBrother's Submissions

HammerBrother's Profile → Submissions

SMW Blocks (62)

16x8 on/off button switch
32x32 Blocks pack v2
32x32 Button Switch
8-directional cannon blocks pack
Aftertouch Shatter
Aimed Cannon and Blocks
Air Jump
Better "Anti-Cape" block fixed version
Better Timer Passable Block v2.0
boost block up regardless of holding jump
Configurable Vanilla Muncher v1.1
Controller Execute Once blocks
Dash jump block
De/re-activateble switch palace switch
Directional hurt blocks v1.2
Door entering animation
Door if current or specific level beaten
Edge level blocks
Ender Chest
exanimated roulette block
GHB's Sticky Block
GHB's Walljump Block
Horizontal Stop Block
Key lock blocks
Kirby Bomb Blocks
Limited spawner
LM 1.7+ Trigger Blocks
Mario vs. DK Switches and Blocks
Megamole Shatter
Memory-Based Conditional Map16 Blocks (Key Locks)
Momentum based conveyor belts and wind v1.1.1
More timed button switches 2.0
No Carry/Yoshi Pipe Caps
Object Powerup Blocks v1.1
ON/OFF pressable button switch
One-Way Blocks 1.3.1
p-balloon intreractable blocks
Passcode blocks
Perfect Slippery Blocks v3.2.0
Pipe Cannon
Poundable Stake Blocks
press down and A to fall through
Relative teleport blocks 1.3
Repressable button switch 2.1
Reverting Map16 Blocks v2.0.3
Rock climb blocks
Rotating boost block
Screen Scrolling Doors
Shovel Knight - Snow Block
slide-interactable blocks
SMB3 Screen Scrolling Pipes 4.0.2
Specific screen teleport block & door v1.2
Stationary Reuseable P-Switch
Throw Blocks Pack
Tower of Heaven fan
vertical and horizontal wrap blocks
vertical warp door
VVVVVV gravity physics
VVVVVV gravity physics (Awaiting moderation)
Walljumps 2
Wind blocks