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SMW Tweaks

Displaying 116 tweaks.

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  Tweak Settings  
Disable Koopa Turning
Disables the turning animation frames when koopas change direction.
RPG Overworld
Good ol' RPG overworld patch that allows free-roam walking, no beep sound when on a new tile and Mario staying on the direction he walks. Note that you must set every 16x16 level tile you want Mario to walk on have enabled to go to every direction, "Level has been passed" and "No enter if level passed".
Change Number of Dragon Coins in Level
Time Up! Safety
When the time reaches 0, Mario will simply exit the level, not die. May cause issues with music speed if you are using AddmusicK. Look here for a fix.
Disable Title Screen Movement
title screen
Remove Lives
Stops the player from losing a life when the player dies.
Disable Automatic Movement on Level Completion
Stops the player from automatically moving to the next tile on the overworld after beating a level.
Disable Dino-Torch Fire
Dino-Torches will never shoot fire and consequently, never stop walking.
Disable Cape Flight
Nerfs the feather by removing the flight. You still can glide and use the cape to attack enemies but you won't be able to take off or jump very high.
Change P-Switch Colors
Changes all P-Switches to blue or silver.
Change Lemmy & Wendy Koopa's HP
Changes the amount of hits Lemmy Koopa and Wendy O. Koopa can take before dying, and the number of hits required to kill most sprites on-screen.
boss health lemmy wendy
Mega Mole Clip Fix
Removes any chance of clipping through Mega Moles when they have an upwards speed. As a side effect, it will also make the Mega Mole hitbox a bit more forgiving.
bugfix mega mole
Dino-Rhino Stuck Against Walls Fix
Prevents Dino-Rhinos from getting stuck when jumping against tall walls. Instead, they'll turn around like Dino-Torch does.
bugfix dino-rhino
Skip Player Select Menu
Skips the player selection menu on the title screen, making the game start as soon as a file is selected (the game will always start in 1 player mode).
title screen
Same Controller for Both Players
Causes both player 1 and 2 to be controlled by controller 1, even when two controllers are plugged in.
controller player
Remove Screen Shaking
Removes any kind of screen shaking (caused for example by Thwomps, cape/Yoshi ground pound, etc.) from the game.
Allow Grabbing Line-Guided Ropes with Down
Allows grabbing the line-guided rope with either the up or down button, similarly to how vines work.
Traditional Porcu-Puffer Movement
Prevents the Porcu-Puffer's movement from being influenced by layer 1 scrolling.
movement porcu-puffer
Keep Climbing When Touching Ground
Makes Mario stay on the vine he's climbing on even when touching the ground.
net vine
Disable Net Koopas Fence Flip
Stops Net Koopas from flipping to the other side of the fence when reaching its edge (they will switch direction as normal).
net koopa
Kicked Sprites Hit Blocks Offscreen
Makes kicked sprites trigger blocks (like ON/OFF Blocks, Turn Blocks, etc.) even when they're horizontally offscreen.
Disable Scorecard
Removes the end level scorecard (but not the fade out effect). It will also disable the score and bonus star counters from updating at level end.
Remove Interaction Framerules
Removes framerules related to sprite and block interaction, making Mario, sprites, Mario's fireball and Mario's cape interact with each other and with blocks every frame.
No Bomb Explosion Framerules
Makes Bob-Omb explosions interact with Mario and other sprites every frame, instead of 2 out of every 8 frames.
bob-omb explosion
Turnblock Bridge Tile Flip Fix
Fixes the last tile of the Turnblock Bridge sprite being X flipped.
Disable Stationary Yoshi Hop
Removes the little hop that Yoshi does while not moving. This would theoretically be useful for setups that involve releasing Yoshi from above so it falls at a consistent speed.
Remove Yoshi's Rescue Message
Disables the message that comes up when getting Yoshi for the first time.
Disable L/R Scrolling
Disables scrolling the screen by holding L or R.
HDMA Break Fix
Fixes HDMA breaking in a few spots:
- When opening a message
- During the goal march
- On the title screen
- During the credits
- When transitioning between submaps
- When opening the save/exchange lives prompts on the Overworld
- When Mario is in the frozen animation ($71 == #$0B)
- When the Dark Room Spotlight sprite is used
bugfix hdma
Message Box Erasing Tiles Fix
Fixes the bug where some sprite tiles get erased when closing a message.
Placeable Throw Block
Allows Throw Block sprites (sprite $53) to be placed directly in Lunar Magic. It will never expire when spawned like this.
Disable Intro Level
Removes the intro level, making the game load directly on the overworld on a new save file.
Remove Midway Glitter
Disables the glitter effect upon touching a midway bar.
Disable Spin Jumping
Disables spin jumping in the entire game. It will cause Mario to do a normal jump instead.
No Bullet Bill Shooter Proximity Check
Makes Bullet Bill Shooters fire even if Mario is close to them.
Remove Yellow Koopa Jump Framerule
Makes Yellow Shell-less Koopas check for jumping over kicked sprites every frame instead of once every 4 frames, reducing the chance of them being killed by the sprite instead of jumping over it.
Sideways Bouncing Turnblock Tile Fix
Makes the sideways bouncing turnblocks use the correct tile instead of a P-Switch tile.
bugfix turnblock
Cave Layer 3 Background Tiles Fix
Fixes two 8x8 tiles in the vanilla cave layer 3 background using the wrong palette (allegedly), which usually look like white dots.
gfx layer 3
Silent Overworld After Boss Fix
Fixes the "bug" (intended in the original game, but usually unwanted in hacks) where the OW music stops after beating certain bosses.
Dolphin Offscreen Tail Fix
Fixes the vertical jumping Dolphin's tail showing up at the wrong position when the sprite goes vertically offscreen.
Disable exchanging Lives with 2nd Player
Removes the prompt on the overworld when pressing R to exchange lives with the 2nd player.
Removes the "MARIO START" message when the player enters a level.
Swooper death bat ceiling Fix
Makes the Swooper death bat ceiling (Sprite E4) use the correct tiles.
bugfix tile
Activate Unused Yoshi Dust
Enables an unused dust animation that plays when the player lands on Yoshi.
Remove Fishbone Spawn Randomness
Sets the duration of the initial movement phase (before they start slowing down again) of fishbones to a specific value, rather than a random value from 0-31 frames.
fishbone movement rng
Modify Intro Message Timer
Modifies the timer for the intro level splash text. By using a smaller value, the player can skip through the text faster without having to wait for this to count down. This timer ticks down by 1 every 4 frames.
intro message timer
Course Clear Coins
Replaces bonus stars with coins in the goal march. This allows you to use bonus stars for other purposes or give the goal tape a purpose if the bonus stars are disabled.
coin goal
Change Dark Room Colors
Allows you to change the back area colors used in the dark rooms with the Spotlight sprite. These can be used to make the level more/less dark.
Make Munchers and Spikes Hurt Mario on Yoshi
Makes all the vanilla hurt blocks (such as munchers or the castle spikes) hurt Mario even if he is on a Yoshi.
hurt muncher yoshi
Remove Flower Flipping
Removes the constant x-flipping of the Flower powerup. Useful if you use asymmetrical ExGFX in said sprite.
power-up tile
Overworld Mario Background with 16x16 Tiles
Makes the sprite background used in the Overworld border use 4 16x16 tiles instead of 16 8x8 tiles, saving some OAM slots (slots $10-$3C in $0200) at the cost of using a bit more sprite GFX space for it.
oam overworld
No more Bowser Statue Manipulation
Fixes the problem that the player can manipulate the timer of Bowser Statues for shooting fire by pausing the game.
Shoot Fireballs While Ducking
Allows the player to shoot fireballs even while ducking.
No More Fireballs While Spinjumping
The player will no longer automatically spawn fireballs while spinjumping with a fireflower.
Disable Overworld Lives
Removes the lives counter from the overworld border.
Fix Jank with Highest Sprite Slots
This tweak fixes some issues that happen with sprites occupying slots 10 and 11 (20 and 21 on SA-1), which originally are only used by reserve items and berries but are more commonly used with custom codes that spawn sprites. The issues fixed are:
bugfix sprite
High Bounce when spinning on sprites
When spinjumping on most sprites, you don't get a high bounce. This changes all bounces on sprites while spinjumping to a high bounce.
bounce spinjump
Don't give extra Mushroom when collecting Flower or Cape
Makes it so if the player collects a Flower or a Cape when they have a Mushroom, the Mushroom isn't added to their item box. Ideal for if you have the Better Powerdown patch, or want to make the game more like SMB1 or the JP version of SMB3.
item box power-up reserve
Allow spinjump with item
Allows the player to spinjump while carrying an item by just pressing A, rather than having to throw the item and regrab it.
Upsidedown Slope Tiles work in Normal 1 and 2 Tilesets
Pretty much what it says on the tin. Allows the map16 tiles that are used in upsidedown slopes to work in the Normal and Normal 2 tilesets. Note that this breaks the slanted pipe object, as it uses those extra slope tiles.
map16 slope tile
Line-Guided Sprites Spawn Fix
This tweak fixes vanilla line-guided Chainsaws, Grinders and Fuzzies spawning 20 tiles to the left of where they're placed in the level when set to go right/down (i.e. when placed on an odd X tile position).
Disable Tide Pushback
Prevents Layer 3 tides from moving the player to the left, making them act like regular water.
swim tide water
Prevent dropping items when powering up/down
Prevents carried items from being dropped for a frame when Mario powers up or down, which can sometimes cause the item to be completely dropped.
bugfix power-up
Modify Pausing Delay
Changes the time allowed between pausing and unpausing, in frames. Recommended values are between $00 - $3C (60 in decimal).
controller pause timer
Players Share Bonus Stars
Both players share bonus stars, and $0F49 remains unused.
bonus stars
Change Overworld Arrow Palette
Changes the Layer 3 palette used for the scroll arrows on the overworld after pressing Start on the main map.
layer 3 overworld palette
Coin Score Sprite Fix
Fixes a vanilla bug where the unused coin score sprites (5-, 10-, 15-, 20-, and 25-coin scores) add a grossly excessive amount of points to the score counter.
Disable !-Block Items
Turns the yellow and green exclamation mark blocks into solid blocks without any item like the red and blue exclamation mark blocks.
Don't Erase Sprites on File Select
Keeps all the sprite tiles intact (including Mario's) after the file select menu shows up on the title screen.
oam title screen
Change Mario's Powerup During Credits
Lets you change which powerup Mario has during the credits staff roll and Yoshi's House cutscene.
Don't Override "No Yoshi Intro" for Levels 10D, 10E, 110, 111, 11C
Disables vanilla behavior where levels 10D, 10E, 110, 111, 11C will always use the "Black sky castle intro" even if they use the Ghost House or Rope tilesets.
no yoshi intro
Fix Vertical Level Priority
Makes layer 1/2 priority against sprites work in vertical levels.
Enable Continuous Yoshi Flight
Makes winged Yoshi continuously ascend when jump is held, as if Mario has cape, even if he doesn't.
Remove Score Sprite Delay
For some reason, there is a small delay between a score sprite appearing and the score actually registering. For example, if you have a goal tape in a vertical level and you get the 3-up prize from getting 50 bonus stars, the 3-up won't actually register. Same thing if you die while collecting a 1-up shroom or 3-up moon at the same time. This hex edit should remove that delay, thus fixing this bizarre issue. However, if you collect a fishin' Lakitu's 1-up in the death animation, the 1-up still won't register.
Change "Nintendo Presents" Timer
Changes how long the Nintendo Presents screen will remain active. Timer is given as the number of frames, and a value of 0 will last for 256 frames instead.
change nintendo-presents timer
Ninji Ceiling Clip Fix
Changes Ninji vanilla behavior making them unable to clip through ceilings.
bugfix sprite
Reflecting fireball on lava fix
Fixes the reflecting fireballs (sprite B6) transforming into garbage tiles when they enter lava.
bugfix sprite tile
Reznor bridge breaking speed
This tweak edits the breaking speed of Reznor battle bridge, where $05 is the fastest (and the minimum functional value) and $FF the slowest.
Non-solid Reznor platforms
This tweak makes the Reznor platforms non-solid after Mario hits their Reznor from below, making him unable to stand on them
Throw Block Splash Fix
Fixes Throw Blocks spawning with the wrong X high position, which can result in them interacting with blocks offscreen for 1 frame (which usually results in a water splash if buoyancy is enabled).
throw block
Change Exits Count
Changes the number of exits required to display the "☆96" tiles on the file select menu.
Sprite Interaction on Left Edge of Screen Fix
Causes sprites to retain interaction with Mario even while marked horizontally offscreen. This is only needed for sprites which don't already interact with Mario every frame (like platforms).

This is especially noticeable for large sprites, like Banzai Bills, which will be marked offscreen and not interact with Mario when their left edge is offscreen, even though much of the rest of the sprite is still visible.
bugfix sprite
Remove "TIME UP!"
Removes the "TIME UP!" message when Mario dies after timer reaches zero.
Allow Climbing with Item
This gives the player the ability to climb while holding an item. You will no longer need to throw the item up, stay on something scalable, and then grab it again.
net vine
Allow Sliding with Item
Allows the player to begin sliding down a slope while holding an item.
Amazing Flyin' Hammer Bro Throwing Hammers on Lava Fix
This fixes a bug that if you defeat an Amazing Flyin' Hammer Bro and it falls into lava, the sprite will still throw hammers.
"S" Letter with Misplaced Palette Fix
This fixes a bug where the letter "S" in the "MARIO/LUIGI START!" message uses palette row 8, instead of palette row A like the other letters. As you might guess, this will make the "S" also use palette row A. Note that newer versions of Lunar Magic already fix this.
Remove Bonus Star Timer 1-UP
Removes the weirdly specific feature where if the tens digit of the player's bonus stars matches with the timer's tens and ones digits when finishing a level, they will be rewarded with a 1-UP. This can and will also happen if the player has less than 10 bonus stars and they clear a level that has no time limit (since the tens digit of the bonus stars matches with the timer, 0 - 00). This tweak removes this feature, fixing the issue mentioned earlier.
bonus stars goal
Change Dragon Coin Worth
Changes how many coins the player gets from collecting a dragon coin.
coin dragon coin
Disable Star Flashing Palette
Disables the flashing palette from the star powerup. Useful if you want to have a custom graphic for it that shouldn't flash.
palette powerup sprite
Change red berries eating amount
Change the amount of red berries Yoshi needs to eat to lay an egg containing a mushroom. Set to 0 to never lay the egg.
Change pink berries eating amount
Change the amount of pink berries Yoshi needs to eat to lay an egg containing a cloud. Set to 0 to never lay the egg.
Change Throw Block Despawn Timer
Changes the time that the throw block sprite lasts until it disappears. Set to $00 to make throw blocks never expire.
sprite throw block timer
Disable Running
Disables the running ability, even if the Y/X buttons are pressed. It won't be prevent throwing fireballs and carrying items, though.
Player Runs Forever
Causes the player to always run, even without pressing the Y/X buttons.
However, you'll still need to press them to throw fireballs, collect items, and fly with the cape power-up.
Remove Mosaic Effect
Removes the mosaic effect during level or overworld fadeout/fadein, just fading to/from black instead.
Disable Midway Powerup
Prevents small Mario becoming big when grabbing a midway.
midway powerup
Carriable Sprites Through Pipes Fix
Fixes several glitches that occur with carriable sprites when transported through pipes.

Change Starting Lives
Changes the amount of lives the player will have when the game starts. Note that values greater than 100 will cause the lives counter to show glitched graphics.
Double Key Jump Fix
This mitigates a very niche glitch that prevents Mario from jumping when interacting with the top of two keys at the same time.

More detailed explanation: When $1471 is set to #$02, it will force a specific behavior used by the Portable Springboard and Pea Bouncer sprites, which lets the player stand but be unable to jump. This is because those sprites are intended to "release" Mario automatically.
When Mario steps on a Key/P-Switch, it doesn't force $1471 to a static value of #$01 like other rideable sprites; it increments the value instead. So if two Keys are simultaneously touching Mario, the value is set to #$02 instead and locking Mario's jump.

These modifications force the behavior to apply to negative values of $1471 instead, and then forces the Portable Springboard and Pea Bouncer to write a value of #$FF instead of #$02 to $1471. This may require some tweaks to disassemblies or sprites based upon the Springboard/Pea Bouncer sprites. If you wish to detect this hijack within custom resources:
if read2($00D60E) == $0E30
	;; hijack detected
bugfix double key
Menu choose sound changer
Lets you change the sound effect when you choose an option in the Title screen menu ($1DFC)
choose menu sound
Keep P-balloon When Powering Up/Down
Makes Mario keep the p-balloon effect even after taking hits or power-ups (no weird behaviour when dying).
p-balloon power-up
Give Foreground Priority to Top Half of Non-Line-Guided Grinder
Change the priority value of the top two tiles of the non-line-guided grinder so that it goes in front of semi-solid foreground objects, instead of behind them as usual.
Change "Nintendo Presents" Sound
Changes the sound effect played when "Nintendo Presents" appears. Supported values for $1DF9 are $00 - $2A and for $1DFC are $00 - $34.

Don't use it if you use AddmusicK.
change logo nintendo-presents sfx sound
Disable Item Box Auto-Falling on Hit
Prevents the power-up from being dropped from the item box when the player gets hit.
item box powerup
No mushroom in ?-blocks if small
This tweak will make ?-blocks not spawn a Mushroom when Mario is small but the actual item in the description.
cape flower mushroom question block
Change Keyhole Exit
Changes the exit type for the keyhole. The default behavior is secret exit 1. Note that secret exits 2 and 3 only work with Lunar Magic.
exit key keyhole normal exit secret exit
No Spin Jump when Leaving the Water
Does not allow the player to spin jump when leaving the water.
physics water
Non-Solid Key
Makes the key non-solid.
key sprite
Makes the text "MARIO/LUIGI START!" appear on all overworld level tiles, including the Yoshi's House tile, where it normally doesn't.
overworld tile
Change Green Star Block's Coins Amount
Changes the amount of coins required for the Green Star Block to spawn a 1-UP mushroom.
block coin
Fix Diggin' Chuck's Dislocated Shoulder
The shoulder tile in one of the frames of Diggin' Chuck's animation has an incorrect X-offset and is displayed behind his head instead of where it should be. This tweak fixes that to put it in the correct position.
bugfix chuck tile
Remove the sprite spawn framerule
Normally SMW spawns sprites every other frame. This tweak removes that framerule and provides consistent sprite spawning every frame.
Wendy's bow fix
Makes Wendy use the correct tiles for her looking side to side animation.
bugfix wendy
Coins Needed for 1-UP
Changes the amount of coins required for a 1-UP.
Disable Mario Dust
Disables the dust that appears at Mario's feet when he turns around or slides.