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ExGraphics Contest 2019 - Results!


Thank you for your patience in awaiting these results. The judging board took its time to give detailed commentary on each of your entries and minutely discuss the judging process to reach fairness and overall consensus.

The theme for this contest was Steampunk and there were two categories: Foreground and Background. There were 7 participants in total, of which 5 submitted for both categories, 1 for only the Foreground category and lastly 1 for only the Background category. Unfortunately, the judging board decided for disqualification of one participant (see details at the bottom of this post).

Interestingly, the same 3 participants won in both categories and also had the exact same placement in both of them. Let's meet them:

For 3rd place in both the Foreground and Background categories we have:
Dispace, with scores of 51/70 and 56.75/70 for Foreground and Background, respectively!

For 2nd place in both the Foreground and Background categories we have:
Pokerface, with scores of 59.75/70 and 61.25/70 for Foreground and Background, respectively!

And finally:

For 1st place in both the Foreground and Background categories we have:
MM102, with scores of 66.25/70 and 63/70 for Foreground and Background, respectively!

Congratulations and expect your prizes to be handed soon! #smrpg{:D} Also, for our other entrants there will be a participation trophy!

Score breakdown:

Links to the judges' individual scores and comments (you can find which number your entry corresponds to in the score breakdown above):

Dakras Hayashi's Scores
Deeke's Scores (Google Document)
PercentN's Scores
Tob's Scores

@Infinity: the judging board decided to disqualify your entry for not minimally following the contest's theme. Ultimately, it's not fair to place an entry that addressed the theme below an entry that didn't in a themed contest. It also beats the point of having a theme if it's not to be followed.

Thank you everyone for participating and we'll see you all again in the next iteration of this contest (or maybe in a different, new graphics-related contest, we'll see... *wink wink*)!

Screenshots of every entry:








Congratulations to the winners! I just finished distributing the trophies for the contest.

For those of you that won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, please contact Noivern about your game prizes.
Comparing to other entries, I was a failure. At least I got the participation trophy. Still, congrats to the winners.
@C3 related: I updated the tileset a bit. Expect a release at C3. As for the smoke, I drew some crappy smoke animation. Some advice might do, like smoke animation eample and such.

I wish we could get like a big Lunar Magic screenshot of everything that an entry had to offer since a single ingame screenshot doesn't show everything. Regardless, some of these are real eye candy 👀 Congrats to the winners!
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to hear birds and see none.
i got last place ):

well what matters is that i get A DANK PARTICIPATION TROPHY


oh and congratulations to everyone else because you did alot better than what i did

Keep your spirits high, and your noodle sweaty!
