Originally posted by Shiny Ninetales
First of all, I feel like some people are biased enough to trying to minimize this situation the most possible, but I'm trying to give my opinion for the most objective position.
This is a very serious situation. When I see people saying "lol don't worry, it's not that important" or "just forget it" I feel like people is forgetting that this could potentially have affected themselves. Yeah, sure, it actually didn't, but what if the information leaked would have been something actually important? What if it could have been something about a specific user? Or even worse, about internal site information? They're hypothetical cases, I know, but considering most of us NEVER expected something as big as this, it could have been anything, honestly. And if you were affected due to the leak, wouldn't you want at least some kind of action taken?
So yes, I'm sorry, but I don't feel this should be left as if nothing happened. Sure, we can forgive and forget, but this isn't something that should be exempt of a penalty, in my really humble opinion. I think there's enough objective reasons to take actions for this, so if the admins doesn't do anything, it's demonstrated that, or they are biased, or they just can't/don't want to handle this siatuation properly.
This is a very serious situation. When I see people saying "lol don't worry, it's not that important" or "just forget it" I feel like people is forgetting that this could potentially have affected themselves. Yeah, sure, it actually didn't, but what if the information leaked would have been something actually important? What if it could have been something about a specific user? Or even worse, about internal site information? They're hypothetical cases, I know, but considering most of us NEVER expected something as big as this, it could have been anything, honestly. And if you were affected due to the leak, wouldn't you want at least some kind of action taken?
So yes, I'm sorry, but I don't feel this should be left as if nothing happened. Sure, we can forgive and forget, but this isn't something that should be exempt of a penalty, in my really humble opinion. I think there's enough objective reasons to take actions for this, so if the admins doesn't do anything, it's demonstrated that, or they are biased, or they just can't/don't want to handle this siatuation properly.
While there's no doubt in my mind there's a hint of bias on all our parts (myself included), my point of view isn't shrouded by the fact that I consider Nameless a friend. While it is very disappointing that Nameless did this and I don't believe she's exempt from punishment by any stretch, you have to take into account that, as minimizing as it might sound, this IS a Mario website. Let's say in a worse case scenario Nameless leaked passwords or security loopholes or something and the entire site was nuked... then what? Yeah it'd be sad but we'd probably just go about our lives in the real world. As long as you aren't 2017 era me your life won't be ruined by the site being taken down. You can still talk to all your SMWC buddies on Discord and you can post you work to places like SNESLab or ROMHacking.net. Is it the same? No, of course not. But at the end of the day this is a silly hobby we all like to take part in and it shouldn't be taken that seriously.
But of course, that hypothetical didn't happen. The site's still up, we're all still here, Nameless has made it very clear she hasn't done this since nor does she intend to, and frankly I believe her. Call it pretentious but I can usually tell when people are bullshitting and I didn't get that vibe from Nameless's post at all.
TLDR I think everyone getting extremely angry at this whole situation fails to realize we all have bigger fish to fry than this. And again that's not to say Nameless shouldn't be exempt from punishment. I think she should be revoked of her staff status at the very least considering this happened fairly recently, but y'all are acting like the stakes are much higher than they actually are.
And that is the tea.