Hey, I'm just getting started with rom hacking and I've got a super simple question which I couldn't find the answer in the inernet, though. How do you place foregound tiles (I mean fore-fore-ground tiles, so that Mario walks behind just like in the jungle theme the trees.) Do I need to say 'act as ###' or do I have to do any layer 2 stuff or something like this? I really need your help.
The trees in question had priority enabled. Just select the tiles and enable it in the map16 editor.
Thank you! I know, it's like SUPER basic but I have to learn it if I don't know it. Thank you so much (I love the series your profile is from!)
If you want your closer foreground to also have a parallax effect, you can use the layer 3 "fast" scroll setting available in the latest version of LM, and build a close foreground with layer 3 which scrolls faster than the main level foreground.
Thank you, guys for all the tipps!