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The Music Request Thread

Requesting Rules:

1. Keep your request feasible.
Make sure the song you're requesting can reasonably be ported given the limitations of the SNES, and the most common porting tools available. For example, porting over a song with lyrics to the SNES, while theoretically (though limitedly) possible, is not something that could be reasonably done. Keep in mind song length factors into feasibility.

2. Provide a MIDI, SPC, tracker file, or some other form of readable note data.
Porting by ear takes a lot of time and effort, especially for more complex songs, so help out the porters by providing them with something to base their port off of. Additionally, make sure whatever file you provide is of sufficient quality; for example, piano-only MIDIs/sheet music, or MIDIs with tons of note errors, are not satisfactory since they'd require redoing considerable parts of the song by ear, which brings us back to square one. Failing to provide this will likely end up in your request being ignored.

3. Provide a link to the song.
If porters don't know what the song sounds like, they can't port it! YouTube links are preferable for ease-of-access, but you may also provide direct rips for video game music (.vgm, .vgz, .nsf, .spc, etc.)

4. Respect the request formatting.
In order to make things as clear as possible, please follow the following format when requesting a song:

Track Name: The name of the song and its origin, if applicable.
Sampled?: If you want the song to use SMW samples, or custom samples. Be as specific as possible, since something like "sampled" is nebulous-- there are many possible ways to sample a song. Additionally, keep in mind that more complex songs may require chorded samples, for example, and that it may not always be feasible to do something fully unsampled.
Audio Reference: YouTube link, and optionally, a direct rip if it's a song from an older console.
Note Data Reference: A MIDI, tracker file, etc.

5. No more than one non-completed request per 30 days.
While requests may end up not getting fulfilled, this is to prevent the thread from being overloaded with a lot of requests. If your request has been fulfilled, you can make a new request anytime after.

6. No private requests.
As this is a public thread, songs requested here should be for the general public as well, and eventually posted here and submitted to the music section.

7. Respect the porters.
Do not constantly bother porters; they're doing hard work, and it's not fair to them to repeatedly harass them for any reason.

8. No duplicate requests.
If the song you've requested is already publicly accessible (for example, in the music section), or already requested in the thread by someone else, don't re-request it in order to avoid clutter. However, see below about the latter case.

Supporting Rules:

If somebody else has already requested a song you want, you may quote their post in order to show that multiple people are interested in the song.

Fulfilling Rules:

1. All completed requests must be submitted to the SMW Music section and linked here.

2. Your submission must meet the quality standards of the SMW Music section.

3. Try to complete any request you claim in a reasonable amount of time.
If you end up unable to fulfill a request, for whatever reason, let the requester know as soon as you can. It's better to politely inform someone about a cancellation than to keep them waiting forever.

Name: Crazy aracde: Octopus
Type: Port
Sampled: It's up to you
Youtube: Link
My hacks:
Bowser's Castle (finished)
Bowser's Castle 2 (finished)
Super Mario World - Mushroom Revolution (Work in progress)
Layout by Koopster
If I want to request a new song, but there's an unfulfilled one in the old thread and I don't want the old song as of now, do I have to state that I abort the old request? Or are all the old unfulfilled requests invalid and in order that they're valid again, do we have to repost them here?
I have a Discord server as well! (by joining, you agree to the rules)
Basically, I believe in peace and bashing two bricks together.

Track Name: Terranigma - New Waters (Call At A Port)
Sampled: If possible use the terranigma's samples since it is a snes game
Audio Reference:
SPC: This one

Youtube: Link

Note Data Refence:
Midi: (don't know about the quality of this one...but here it is)
My Youtube channel

Currently working on:
Project C

Finished project:
Originally posted by 7 up
If I want to request a new song, but there's an unfulfilled one in the old thread and I don't want the old song as of now...

Unclaimed requests in the old thread are invalid, so feel free to make a new one. Speaking of...

Song: Cutthroat Island - Cove
Type: Port
For whatever reason, people don't really make MIDIs of some obscure movie licensed game from a thousand years ago. I hope that doesn't make things too difficult.

Other Submissions of mine!
Name: The 12th Annual VLDC - Volcano
Type: Song
Sampled: None
Source: Custom
Name: Sparkster - Pyramid
Type: Port
Sampled: Yes
Youtube: Here
SPC: Here
MP3: Here

Good for an intense pyramid or ruin levels, use SPC2MML, and optimize it maybe.

Have a frost day~
Prefacing that I've been told this one isn't super easy, and that I would be perfectly happy with a significantly reduced/simplified version of this (perhaps removing the slower intro, for example, if deemed necessary) if that's what it takes to make it a good-sounding port.

Track Name: Black - Homestuck (By Toby Fox)
Sampled?: Porter's call! Whatever is easiest to make work
Audio Reference: Youtube
Note Data Reference:
MIDI (Download in Video Description)
Port Request: "Out of the Depths" from Duke Nukem II (D0S)

Bobby Prince made a great metal-influenced soundtrack for this PC-DOS platformer/shooter and while I'd love to see it all ported, this particular fast-paced track is my one of my favourites.

Sampled: If it's feasible without samples that's cool with me, the PC-DOS era wasn't super high-fidelity or anything.

The YouTube link is to how it sounded on hardware of the time, but the other link is to archival/ripped music files (which is in IMF format) from the game as well.

Cheers #tb{:j}
Bringing over my request from the old thread.

Track name: Mario Kart 8 - Toad Harbor
Samples: None or light if possible, but fully sampled is fine
Midi file here

Original version

8-bit cover that would also be dope:
Track Name: Mega Man V GB Sound Track
Sample: Yes
YOUTUBE: Play List
Originally posted by TomatoPhalanges
Prefacing that I've been told this one isn't super easy, and that I would be perfectly happy with a significantly reduced/simplified version of this (perhaps removing the slower intro, for example, if deemed necessary) if that's what it takes to make it a good-sounding port.

Track Name: Black - Homestuck (By Toby Fox)
Sampled?: Porter's call! Whatever is easiest to make work
Audio Reference: Youtube
Note Data Reference:
MIDI (Download in Video Description)

Claiming this one, Im always up for a challenge and this one will definitely test me.
Name: Oso Blue song
Type: Port
Sampled:None,Light,Many.Up to the porter.
Youtube Link:
Note: if you happen to make it sampled you can add the words if you want it's up to the porter.

My Favorite Albums For You!! (Spotify Links).

W3Schools W3Schools W3Schools W3Schools W3Schools W3Schools

As Of 6/19/2024.
Originally posted by TomatoPhalanges
Prefacing that I've been told this one isn't super easy, and that I would be perfectly happy with a significantly reduced/simplified version of this (perhaps removing the slower intro, for example, if deemed necessary) if that's what it takes to make it a good-sounding port.

Track Name: Black - Homestuck (By Toby Fox)
Sampled?: Porter's call! Whatever is easiest to make work
Audio Reference: Youtube
Note Data Reference:
MIDI (Download in Video Description)

Its finished and in the waiting section.
Name: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Stage Theme Jekyll
Type: Port
Sampled: Doesn't matter to me!
MIDI: Download
For Audio Reference: YouTube