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The Music Request Thread

Track Name: Celestial Resort (Good Karma Mix) from 'Celeste'

Sampled?: Yes


Audio Reference:
Originally posted by Chuck_Grump
Track Name: Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow - The Flying Duckman (SNES)
Sampled?: Yes please
Audio Reference:
Note Data Reference:

Its been more than 30 days so Im bumping it up, I would rteally appreciate the port #smrpg{<3}
Originally posted by King Mayro
Last request wasn't claimed (30 days), so...

Track: Snow Athletic

Game: Newer Super Mario Bros. DS

Type: Port

Sampled: Eh, doesn't matter to me.

Sound reference: Here.

Note Data (midi) reference: Here.

As more than 30 days have passed I will exchange my request

Name: Christian Petzold - Minuet in G major, BWV Anh. 114
Type: Port
Sampled: Yes
MIDI: Here (No polyphonies)
Youtube: Here
Oi, eu sou Ideka, um cara que gosta muito de Super Mario World e de fazer/jogar hacks.

Hi, I'm Ideka, a guy who really likes Super Mario World and doing/playing hacks.

My hacks:

WIP Hacks:
Name: Jump On In! (Overworld)

Type: Original

Sample Usage: None

Audio Reference:

Description: This original unsampled song can be used title screen, a friendly village level, or a first level. This song is from Hello World: Adventures in Mushroomland by Super Marcato Bros.

I know I don't request ports, but I was wondering if original songs are allowed to be requested.
Please feel free to claim this request or not.

Originally posted by Galeth
This is a short request.

Track name: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Warp
Type: sound effect, port
Sample usage: up to you
MIDI: couldn't find any
Reference: here

I'm making some LttP courses for my final world and I want to use this sfx for reset/teleport doors/blocks.


Update: I just found a SPC file! Hope this helps to get my little request fulfilled. #smw{O_O!}
Nobody takes flopping Cheep-Cheeps seriously.

Background image: Snowy Mountains by Gamma V
Song: OFF - Pepper Steak.
Type: Port
Sample usage: Many
MIDI: here
Youtube Link: here

My Favorite Albums For You!! (Spotify Links).

W3Schools W3Schools W3Schools W3Schools W3Schools W3Schools

As Of 6/19/2024.
Originally posted by Sping bot
Song: OFF - Pepper Steak.
Type: Port
Sample usage: Many
MIDI: here
Youtube Link: here

Ah yes, a fellow Grayfruit fan.
I see you're a man of culture and refined tastes
"What's 9 + 10?"
Title: Vib-Ribbon - Reward Song
Description: This is the reward song from a very obscure PS1 game. Vibri's voice instrument should be @4. Good for a goal theme, if you can extend the length of it. The score number must be the one from the preview.
Samples: None
Underrated thingies are always better.
Alright, I'm changing my previous Gradius request to this, if anyone's interested.

Game: La-Mulana
Track: Song of Curry
YT (Original)
YT (Remake)
Original MIDI
Sample Usage: Porter's Choice
Nemona's #5 biggest fan. Shows up once in a blue moon for a contest or collab, then mysteriously wanders off. Probably knows what the song in your level is.
Originally posted by TCgamerboy2002
This was my request on the previous request thread. Since the requests from that thread are now invalid, I figured I'd post it here.

Track Name: Stage 7 - Blast Furnace (From The Jetsons: Cogswell's Caper!)
Sampled?: Unsampled
Audio Reference: Video
Note Data Reference: MIDI (made with free trial FL Studio), NSF (made with NSF importer)

Name: Chip 'n' Dale: Rescue Rangers 2 - Future World.

Type: Port.

Samples: No samples, I bet it would sound great in the style of SMW. #w{=P}

Midi: couldn't find any #w{:<}

Youtube Link:
Name: Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Underground Theme (SMB)
Type: Port
Sampled?: Yes
Source: This video

You can still take my old request, but this one I need urgently
Kirbo was here
So after 3 months, and no claims, I'm just going to drop Hideout Helm and just bring a new song request to the table.

Track Name: Final Fantasy VII - Judgement Day
Sampled?: Unsampled/Light Sample
Type: Port
Audio Reference: YouTube
Note Data Reference: Midi 1, Midi 2, Midi 3, MuseScore


Here's another bump:
Originally posted by MegaSonic1999
Song: Beyond The Speed Of - Sonic Runners
Sampled (if possible) and/or unsampled
Youtube link:
Good luck, and let me know if there's a problem with The MIDI file.

Now it's been more than 60 days.
Gotta aim fast.
Originally posted by Arash
So after 3 months, and no claims, I'm just going to drop Hideout Helm and just bring a new song request to the table.

Track Name: Final Fantasy VII - Judgement Day
Sampled?: Unsampled/Light Sample
Type: Port
Audio Reference: YouTube
Note Data Reference: Midi 1, Midi 2, Midi 3, MuseScore

I would love to do it, but it will take time because I won't start until February

List Soundtrack - List Hacks

Mega Man X3 OSTs
Originally posted by floppingcheepcheep
Name: Mango! - Super Fantasy Zone
Sampled?: Ripper's choise
Audio Reference: YouTube
Other / Note Data: MIDI and VGM.

bumping this.
Originally posted by Blizzard Buffalo
Originally posted by Blizzard Buffalo
Name: Sparkster - Pyramid
Type: Port
Sampled: Yes
Youtube: Here
SPC: Here
MP3: Here

Good for an intense pyramid or ruin levels, use SPC2MML, and optimize it maybe.

Resubmitting since Lakeside has been possible.

Here's the raw file converted to SPC2MML here for easy conversion.


Have a frost day~

Originally posted by Magikey

It's been more than 30 days, and i still haven't found a midi of this so i'm going to change my request

Track: Sonic Mania OST - Studiopolis Act 1
Sampled: it's up to you
YT link
