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The Music Request Thread

Originally posted by Segment1Zone2
Originally posted by Segment1Zone2
Originally posted by AppleBoy54321
Name of song: New Super Mario Bros. Wii - Course Clear
Unsampled or Sampled: Unsampled
Type: Port

Consider it claimed.

Request Fulfilled. New Super Mario Bros. Wii - Course Clear!

Thanks, Segment!
30 Days have passed, here is my new request.

Name: Mario's Time Machine! (NES) - 31BC/1947 Theme
Type: Port
Samples?: Unsampled
Youtube Link
.nsf file (Track 7)

Good luck to anyone who tries this! #smrpg{y}

Lots of love, S1Z2 #w{<3}
Name of song: Strange World
Type: Original
Audio Reference:
Again, I'm bumping this request:
Originally posted by MegaSonic1999
Song: Beyond The Speed Of - Sonic Runners
Sampled (if possible) and/or unsampled
Youtube link:
Good luck, and let me know if there's a problem with The MIDI file.

Actually I bumped this request more than 5 or 6 times, but I still didn't receive the SPC and txt files.
Gotta aim fast.
Name: Mario Forever - Interference Ending
Type: Port
Sampled: Yes
MOD file:

Since 3D World is growing in popularity again, I think this one might be a good addition.

Name: Super Mario 3D World - Fort Fire Bros.

Type: port

Sample usage: yes


Midi: here

Thank you in advance.
Nobody takes flopping Cheep-Cheeps seriously.

Background image: Snowy Mountains by Gamma V
Track Name: Behind Yoshi Village (From Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time)
Sampled?: Yes
Audio Reference:
Note Data Reference:

Thank you!
Game: Touhou Gensoukyou ~ Lotus Land Story
Track Name: Magic Shop of Raspberry
Sampled?: None
Audio Reference: Youtube
Note Data Reference: Dowload

Track Name: grand bridge from Yoshi’s safari (remixed)
Audio Reference: intro loop
Note Data Reference: I don’t have any note data sadly, but it isn’t finished so you’re free to take it however you want to.
Every dream is but another reality, never forget…

My In-Progress Hack

Track Name:Get Ready for This (NHL 96 SNES OST)
Sampled?:Yes (preferably using ripped samples from the rom itself)
Type: Port
Youtube Upload:
Midis Hosted at Khinsider: (use variant 2,as thats the closest to the one in the actual game)