Looks great! The first hack looks funny, the other hacks look very great too! Keep up the good work!
i just want to thank you guys for the awesome feedback and replies you posted here this second SMWC Creativity convention thread of mine was my favorite despite this being abit late thank you guys
also if you want to follow the development or progress of both hammer bro and super saga as well as luigi's new adventure you can go here to these threads
Super Saga the random adventures - Mario's normal adventure but its about spaghetti + Luigi's New adventure Works in progress thread
Hammer Brother Works in progress thread
also next year in 2021 winter creativity convention i hope i can release some more sprites or music and graphics and some other resources no promises though
by the way you can also check out my discord server invite is in my layout
but anyways thank you everybody and HAPPY SUMMER C3
This is my non existent layout I plan on adding one soon.. or never
I have a discord server, feel free to join if you want