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Okay, here's another idea: make something that is in 180 BPM; no specific genre or anything, as long as it sounds fast enough to be in that BPM. Hopefully that makes things easier for ya lol
Layout by Mathos
Originally posted by Ultima
Okay, here's another idea: make something that is in 180 BPM; no specific genre or anything, as long as it sounds fast enough to be in that BPM. Hopefully that makes things easier for ya lol

I might just do this anyway for the next song now that you mention it, combine this with a different idea.

I won't take off your ability to give ideas for it but this does sound like a fun idea to combine with another.
Wow it's day 3 already? Anyways I've picked the story of a skeleton by Sinc-X because it sounded funny.

You can suggest again, if you don't I'll just assume you're keeping your suggestion from the previous day.
Mr Scotsman said:
Sancles can you do one for this funni fish doing a funni dance? Thank you. #smrpg{gdi}

Thank you and have a nice day

I wonder how a cursed village theme by you sounded like.

Oops, I got carried away and missed one day. Now you will never know what my Day 2 suggestion was!

Day 3: a theme for Skull Kid's sorrow?
I've been busy today so I'll let day 3 technically run for about 2 and a half more hours, if anyone has any last minute ideas go ahead
ok so, I may be a BIT late, but I'm exhausted leave me alone.

I've picked Tob's idea, since he has explictly told me that he's keeping it for day 3 and also I wanted something different from the first two.

It is now Secret Day, what happens during secret day? I dunno you tell me.

I'll be trying to finish all the songs by the end of the week, AKA before the c3 forum closes and I'll post each song as I make them on the thread.
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