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You declare 'em, I'll square 'em: an Art Request Thread (no longer accepting new requests)


That's a very gorgeous Sicari you did right there, thank you very much <3

I'm really liking your other stuff too in general! Great work here!

Originally posted by Dark Prince
draw the boi on my profile

Originally posted by Doug Walker
Draw a XBOX (2001)

Originally posted by FireSeraphim
Can I convince you to draw Richter Belmont?

Originally posted by FireHazard
could you draw Mario with this costume design?

Originally posted by Koopster
Can you draw "me" (i.e. just a green parakoopa with maybe a hat)?


Sorry these ones came kind of late compared to the others, but thanks for waiting on this batch! At this rate, I'd expect every proper request to be fulfilled by tomorrow.

Other Submissions of mine!
loving the horse's design!
This is certainly a great art-request thread. Even if limited by size and being pixel art this turned out really great. I have no idea how you can draw such great things in such a short time.
I really loved the Sariel you drew for me, but all your other artworks turned out beautiful as well. I probably liken WYE's violin the most since it was a quite random request, but still so diligently fulfilled.
Thanks a lot for this thread and your effort you put into this! #tb{:]}

Nice spritework, both with my Mario request and the most precious girl in the world. Good job!
Thank you Deeke. I'm certain it must have been a real pain to sprite him but thank you all the same

Nice job with all these requests! The sprite work is really welldone and the poses comes across as really dynamic, I could easily imagine some of these being used for title screen art! ^u^ You did a great job at condensing the details to work well with pixel art! >u<
Originally posted by Deeke

This is drawn wonderfully I love it, thanks Deeke! He reminds me of like a pokemon battle sprite from gen 3 I shall name him Goosemon.
The xbox looks gorgeous! thx
This is awesome! Thank you so much! #smrpg{haha}
Originally posted by Deeke
At this rate, I'd expect every proper request to be fulfilled by tomorrow.

Nope! There were more requests than I realized, so after these there should be four more and then we'll be finished.


Originally posted by kamekku14
Sash Lilac from Freedom Planet!

Originally posted by Ninja Boy
could you possibly make my running joke character Plumber Who

Originally posted by BootaNoBijuu
Can you make My Playable Character "Deon" from my Unfinished Entry?

Also, I've redone FireSeraphim's Belmont request - there was some big anatomy issues that I overlooked, and I would prefer he didn't have one massively long shoulder:

Other Submissions of mine!

Amazing! I love everyone's interpretation of this character.
Originally posted by Deeke
Originally posted by kamekku14
Sash Lilac from Freedom Planet!

I love this!! Thanks, Deeke! #smrpg{<3}
C3 THREADS: Layout Requests | The Hacking of PuyoPuyo | ??? 『いけいけ団長、頑張れ頑張れ団長!』
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“Even if you personally are so dissatisfied with life that you want the world to end, surely the cruel reality is that it will continue on, unchanging. All the better for someone perfectly content, like me.”
Aya Shameimaru, Touhou Suzunaan ~ Forbidden Scrollery

Originally posted by Yoshin
My OC?

Originally posted by 1UPdudes
If your taking only a few more could you draw my Seal from my C3 thread?

Originally posted by Ayami
I'd like to see Ruri Hoshino (from Martian Successor Nadesico)

Originally posted by MM102
I'd love to see another pixel artist's interpretation of my character

And that would wrap everything up! Thank you for your requests, and maybe I'll try this again next C3!
There was also Gamma's request, but that was made when I had put requests on hold and also it kind of got lost in the shuffle in general. Sorry! Maybe I can make it up next time.

Other Submissions of mine!

Well ain't this amazing. This is so cool to see in your style.
Thanks a lot. It was worth the wait. #smrpg{haha}
All of the drawings have turned out so well.
Originally posted by Deeke

Nice! Thank you so much, I really love it!
Layout made by MaxodeX
2021 TRENO vibe check thread
I got to this thread pretty late, and all throughout C3 I kept seeing all this cool pixel art in folks' avatars and signatures. It was only after finally reading through this that I realized, "oh, Deeke made this!" "Oh, he made that one, too." "Oh, he made all of these!"

It's crazy enough to even start a request thread for C3 at all. But then to go ahead and actually deliver over three dozen high-quality pixel art pieces, with specifications given to you by someone else, within a tight time window, for free - that's real dedication! Job very, very well done, sir!

I thiiiiink I'd have to give it to Toon Link for my personal favorite - very clean, great pose, lovely colors - but these are all top-notch.
These are all really nice. If I had to pick a favorite, it would be E-102 Gamma, simply because I love him.
Quintesson Judge: Silence, or you will be held in contempt of this court!
Hot Rod: I have nothing but contempt for this court!
- Transformers the Movie (1986)
