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Teows' marvelous & astoundin multiplatform ports thread™ - a bit of everything

MusicSuper Mario WorldResource Release

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Hey! As it is in every C3, I'm coming with a music showoff thread. As for this one, I came up with nothing so I'm not bringing anything innovative up to the table. I actually had thought of something but C3 already was just around the corner, so I wouldn't be able to get it done in time. That said, I'm once again releasing a few random ports I made. Some of them are recent, others were being saved from months ago. Hope you enjoy them all!

v2.0: Added two more ports to the list.

That's it for now. I might update the thread later on if I manage to get a few more ports done. Hope you liked it this far!
Wow, these ports sounds really nice, good job Teows!

Being one of the people you helped as hell, I must commend you, Teows. Especially for your Windmill hut port. Perfection. That's all I have to say.

Dream team (feed them, please):

These are some marvelous ports! Surprised that SMW Samples fit so well on the Mario Maker Title Screen song! More Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends next C3?
Just some Ys fan lol
The Klubba Kiosk one could work well for some submap or title screen.

And finally, after all these years, we have all the themes of Tengu Man. Incredible job with this one, Teows.

My favorite one is the from Kirby Super Star Ultra. Imo, is one of the most memorable endings from this game. Thank you for bringing this song. #smrpg{:3}

I'm always excited to see your ports for the C3s. You got quite great in porting over time. The tracks are quite miscellaneous, it's hard to compare them. I think I like the Windmill hut and the Kirby port the most. They are so relaxing, sound pleasant and are quite close to their originals!
Amazing job as usual Teows! #w{=3}

Your ports are really fantastic! Votes for you for the music but you gave my friend!

List Soundtrack - List Hacks

Mega Man X3 OSTs
Outstanding work! I don't have much to say, besides that I like how these ports sound :)
Originally posted by Major Flare
Being one of the people you helped as hell, I must commend you, Teows. Especially for your Windmill hut port. Perfection. That's all I have to say.

I'm seconding Major Flare here; as a big Legend of Zelda fan, that port of the Windmill hut is awesome! The other ports sound pretty good too.
I think my favourite port here has to be the Mario Maker one, since you recreated the sound of the original with SMW instruments. All the other ports sound great as well, and really accurate to their originals as well. These are fantastic!

That windmill hut port: #smw{:TUP:} solid!
You never fail to impress me Teows. Great work with all of these, especially Tengu Man and the SMM title screen theme!
Japanese Custom Music Archive 2.0 (Incomplete)

Originally posted by bebn legg
I think my favourite port here has to be the Mario Maker one, since you recreated the sound of the original with SMW instruments. All the other ports sound great as well, and really accurate to their originals as well. These are fantastic!

Really agree with bebn that the Mario Maker one is also my favorite.

The sound is good, and can just listen to many of these ports on repeat easily. : 3

Well done! #smw{:TUP:}
Where I am found.
I could see the SMM Title Theme going very well in a colab hack.
Originally posted by Teows

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Windmill Hut: Everyone's favorite (not mine tho) song from this game. I've kept this port under the covers for the past 4 months, and now it's coming out.

I'm surprised on the accuracy of this one.
These are some nice ports. I actually started my own unsampled port of Roper from BT&DD not too long ago but I gave up on it because It didn't really sound that good. Your port of it sounds better anyways.
Thank you all for the feedback, it means a lot!

In other news, I'm bringing up two more ports right now. I actually wasn't planning to show them off this C3, but earlier today I thought it'd be nice to do so.

In case if you want to download any of them, I've updated the OP and added them to the zip with the rest of the ports.
Originally posted by Teows
Thank you all for the feedback, it means a lot!

In other news, I'm bringing up two more ports right now. I actually wasn't planning to show them off this C3, but earlier today I thought it'd be nice to do so.

In case if you want to download any of them, I've updated the OP and added them to the zip with the rest of the ports.

These two new ports are a great bomb for me! #smrpg{<3}

List Soundtrack - List Hacks

Mega Man X3 OSTs
How did I miss this thread before?
Your ports are high quality stuff!
Now I just need to boost the bass on the tank engine track and this is pure gold #tb{;)}
Good work #tb{:]}
My Youtube channel

Currently working on:
Project C

Finished project:
The accuracy with these ports are on point! I especially enjoy the Kirby Super Star Ultra and Super Mario Maker ones, they may be my favorite ones out of the bunch. I'm expecting a lot of usability out of these from anyone, myself included.
What is a Lunar Magic, and can I eat it?
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MusicSuper Mario WorldResource Release