In this request forum, I will create one frame of a character of your choosing, in the form of a player sprite, that is not already existing in the graphics section. So like... no Marios or Luigis. Has to be something that doesn't exist yet.
Could be your OC, but provide a ref please. Could be an official character from somewhere else, maybe provide a ref if its more obscure or link to it on Google.
Here's the twist to this request forum though! I said I'm creating only ONE frame of the character you've chosen, but! What if I really like that character? Well I might just get the passion boxes ticked and make a full player sprite of that character! I'm already a little backed up currently in that department but if its REALLY good I might consider adding it to my list of passion projects.
NOW UNLEASH YOUR REQUESTS AND I SHALL ATTEMPT TO DRAW THEM ALL AS IF THEY WERE AN SMW PLAYER SPRITE!!!... depending on how many there are I might not get to them all if not I'm sorry please forgive me I am but a humble soul NOW UNLEASH THEM BWAHHAAHAA
Could be your OC, but provide a ref please. Could be an official character from somewhere else, maybe provide a ref if its more obscure or link to it on Google.
Here's the twist to this request forum though! I said I'm creating only ONE frame of the character you've chosen, but! What if I really like that character? Well I might just get the passion boxes ticked and make a full player sprite of that character! I'm already a little backed up currently in that department but if its REALLY good I might consider adding it to my list of passion projects.
NOW UNLEASH YOUR REQUESTS AND I SHALL ATTEMPT TO DRAW THEM ALL AS IF THEY WERE AN SMW PLAYER SPRITE!!!... depending on how many there are I might not get to them all if not I'm sorry please forgive me I am but a humble soul NOW UNLEASH THEM BWAHHAAHAA