People of Super Mario World Central... Welcome back... Welcome to my true C3 thread, where I'm releasing two new ASM resources.
Ever wanted to have that much of bounce blocks, scores and particles for your hack? Hmm...
Oof, you can't fit them all in SP1 & SP2. What's going on, you ask?
Yes, they're magically appearing on SP1. This is my...
Patch created with the intention to have an compact, non-heavy-CPU dynamic system for non-normal sprites. It also offers two sample minor extended sprites that use the system (the custom skid smoke and the sparkles appearing on the status bar)
I recommend using SA-1 for it since despite not being too much CPU-heavy, it could overload the average person hack.
You might say I'm taking away credit from RPG Hacker's VWF Dialogues, but no. Well kinda but not really. This is...
Sprites again! Basically VWF Dialogues LITE version; it's a sprite-based text generator that supports text acceleration with Y, waiting for player confirmation, options, and character portraits. (doesn't support the fancy black space effect shown in the second gif though, that's programmed into the included LevelASM if you want it) You could also use it for anything menu-related like selection screens.
Here's the lines for the GIFs above so you can see how complex it is:
For spin jump hint
For Revenge of Meta Knight chapter 1 intro's recreation
Like VWF Dialogues, I recommend using SA-1 for it if you intend to use it to show text while playing at the same time, although it doesn't put much charge unlike VWF Dialogues so you can have more sprites on screen.
Oh, what about Retro Mario or how was it called now... SUPER MARIO BROS. Returns? I want to not show much about it to accumulate hype. If you want to know about it, I'm making a list of gimmicks for the next worlds; some will take advantage of Mode 0 not just for an extra BG layer, some will be more traditional, then I'll program them all to have them ready to use them for levels. Some assets are also being changed too (those at fortaleza reznor know the ridiculous amount of times i've redone 1-1 lmao)
More surprisses await too for the future of the hack. Stay tuned! And thanks for passing by.
wanna go to mystery zone?
Userbar by Green Jerry
Also a Fortaleza Reznor user. If you... digo, si hablas español, hackeas, buscas ayuda, o simplemente se te da conocer gente, únete, somos puerta abierta.
Ever wanted to have that much of bounce blocks, scores and particles for your hack? Hmm...
Oof, you can't fit them all in SP1 & SP2. What's going on, you ask?
Yes, they're magically appearing on SP1. This is my...
Patch created with the intention to have an compact, non-heavy-CPU dynamic system for non-normal sprites. It also offers two sample minor extended sprites that use the system (the custom skid smoke and the sparkles appearing on the status bar)
I recommend using SA-1 for it since despite not being too much CPU-heavy, it could overload the average person hack.
You might say I'm taking away credit from RPG Hacker's VWF Dialogues, but no. Well kinda but not really. This is...
Sprites again! Basically VWF Dialogues LITE version; it's a sprite-based text generator that supports text acceleration with Y, waiting for player confirmation, options, and character portraits. (doesn't support the fancy black space effect shown in the second gif though, that's programmed into the included LevelASM if you want it) You could also use it for anything menu-related like selection screens.
Here's the lines for the GIFs above so you can see how complex it is:
For spin jump hint
table MMXFont.txt MMXVWF: db $08,$05,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08 ;80-87 db $08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$07,$07 ;88-8F db $08,$08,$05,$08,$08,$07,$08,$07 ;90-97 db $08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$09 ;98-9F db $08,$08,$08,$08,$07,$06,$06,$06 ;A0-A7 db $06,$06,$06,$06,$04,$06,$07,$04 ;A8-AF db $07,$06,$06,$06,$06,$05,$06,$06 ;B0-B7 db $06,$08,$07,$07,$07,$06,$08,$04 ;B8-BF db $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;C0-C7 (unused row) db $04,$07,$04,$04 ;C8-CB Text: %TextHeader($4C,$04) %TextSetVWF(MMXVWF-$80) ;> Substract $80 since letters start at tile $80. %TextString($10,$C8,$3F,"Press A to do a spin jump!") %TextSpeed($2D) %TextString($40,$08,$3F," ") %TextSpeed($04) %TextString($10,$D0,$3F,"Try it over these turn blocks.") %TextSpeed($78) %TextString($40,$08,$3F," ") %TextClear($4C) %TextEnd()
For Revenge of Meta Knight chapter 1 intro's recreation
table MMXFont.txt MMXVWF: db $08,$05,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08 ;80-87 db $08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$07,$07 ;88-8F db $08,$08,$05,$08,$08,$07,$08,$07 ;90-97 db $08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$09 ;98-9F db $08,$08,$08,$08,$07,$06,$06,$06 ;A0-A7 db $06,$06,$06,$06,$04,$06,$07,$04 ;A8-AF db $07,$06,$06,$06,$06,$05,$06,$06 ;B0-B7 db $06,$08,$07,$07,$07,$06,$08,$04 ;B8-BF db $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;C0-C7 (unused row) db $04,$07,$04,$04 ;C8-CB Text: %TextHeader($60,$03) %TextSetVWF(MMXVWF-$80) ;> Substract $80 since letters start at tile $80. %TextPortrait(6,KSSPortraits,9,$10,$04,$3D) %TextLockGame(1) %TextString($40,$08,$3F,"Kirby's here! He's flying this") %TextString($40,$10,$3F,"way!") %TextConfirm($40,$19,$BE,$3F) %TextClear($60) %TextPortrait(6,KSSPortraits,15,$10,$04,$3D) %TextString($40,$08,$3F,"Oh no! Oh no! What do we") %TextString($40,$10,$3F,"do?") %TextConfirm($40,$19,$BE,$3F) %TextClear($60) %TextPortrait(6,KSSPortraits,13,$10,$04,$3D) %TextString($40,$08,$3F,"He mustn't interfere with our") %TextString($40,$10,$3F,"plans!") %TextConfirm($40,$19,$BE,$3F) %TextClear($60) %TextPortrait(6,KSSPortraits,0,$10,$04,$3D) %TextString($40,$08,$3F,"Lord Meta Knight, what is") %TextString($40,$10,$3F,"your command?") %TextConfirm($40,$19,$BE,$3F) %TextClear($60) %TextHeader($10,$03) %TextPortrait(6,KSSPortraits,7,$10,$04,$3D) %TextString($40,$08,$3F,"All on deck prepare for") %TextString($40,$10,$3F,"battle! All others prepare") %TextString($40,$18,$3F,"for takeoff!") %TextSpeed($30) %TextString($40,$08,$3F," ") %TextCode(PlaySong) %TextSpeed($04) %TextClear($10) %TextLockGame(0) %TextEnd() PlaySong: lda #$29 ;> Song number. sta $1DFB|!addr rtl
Like VWF Dialogues, I recommend using SA-1 for it if you intend to use it to show text while playing at the same time, although it doesn't put much charge unlike VWF Dialogues so you can have more sprites on screen.
Oh, what about Retro Mario or how was it called now... SUPER MARIO BROS. Returns? I want to not show much about it to accumulate hype. If you want to know about it, I'm making a list of gimmicks for the next worlds; some will take advantage of Mode 0 not just for an extra BG layer, some will be more traditional, then I'll program them all to have them ready to use them for levels. Some assets are also being changed too (those at fortaleza reznor know the ridiculous amount of times i've redone 1-1 lmao)
More surprisses await too for the future of the hack. Stay tuned! And thanks for passing by.
wanna go to mystery zone?
Userbar by Green Jerry
Also a Fortaleza Reznor user. If you... digo, si hablas español, hackeas, buscas ayuda, o simplemente se te da conocer gente, únete, somos puerta abierta.