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Shell Wizardry by ageVerrly

File Name: Shell Wizardry
Submitted: by ageVerrly
Authors: ageVerrly
Demo: No
Featured: No
Length: 6 exit(s)
Type: Kaizo: Light
Description: A short hack featuring mainly the mechanic that lets you spawn shells into mario's hand with l or r.
Levels 1-4:
The spawning shell mechanic is pretty cool for a bit, but the shells are mainly for shelljumping so it gets repetitive very quickly.

I would've liked to see different uses for the shell spawns or even spawning different stuff in each level. Level 3 sort of has a puzzle element to it with the power ups, but other than that its mostly just shelljumping everywhere.

Level 4:
I don't really see the point for the orb in this level, its just kind of there.

The midway seems more detrimental than helpful since you need to unlock the block on the way back to the keyhole, I actually reset the game after I had gotten the midway because it was way harder.

You can just shelljump/keyjump over the top of the level instead of playing it.

Green Switch Level 5:
I found it very weird that there was a glitch puzzle in this hack seemingly out of no where. Also it feels like it doesn't belong since it ignores the main focus of the hack. The level itself was ok, fairly simple.

Level 6 Yoshi:
Pretty cool level, but you can skip some parts by flying under with the blue shell.

Level 7 Springs:
I'm glad we got to spawn something new, but once again it was used in a pretty stale way.

Overall the hack feels very rushed and I feel some more time could be used to flesh out ideas and level design. The two levels where you didn't spawn anything seemed like the most creative. The other 5 levels just relied on spawning the items and using them to not fall into pits/munchers. They basically were indistinguishable from each other in terms of gameplay.