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Custom Music Samples Problems

So, I've been using this patch to have the main overworld load different songs on different positions:

While the patch works fine and does what it's supposed to be, there's a lag when changing songs, because samples are being uploaded again.

However, the songs I'm using all had the same samples and instruments set up. Example:

#path "NSMC"

"med strings 2.brr"
"piano med 1.brr"
"med strings 2.brr"
"nylon gt 3.brr"
"tom 1.brr"

"med strings 2.brr"$00 $00 $d1 $03 $00      ;Ice @30
"piano med 1.brr"$9f $6e $00 $04 $00        ;Forest @31
"med strings 2.brr"$f7 $ea $00 $03 $00      ;Forest @32
"sidestick.brr" $ff $fc $00 $06 $00         ;Maze @33 / Coast @33
"nylon gt 3.brr"$cf $b0 $00 $04 $00         ;Coast @34 
"tom 1.brr" $ff $f5 $00 $04 $00             ;Coast @35 
@13 $A8 $C0 $00 $06 $00                     ;Coast @36

I found out that $7FB001 holds the flag whether to upload samples or not and while I disabled sampled upload during game mode $0E and while being on main overworld ($1F11 = #$00) it works fine and songs changes without lag, instruments and everything sounds perfect....but...
If I enter a level (I unset the flag to upload samples at game mode $0F) the songs work as intended as well but once I finish a level the flag is set again at game mode $0E and while the first song works fine on the overworld, changing them from now on causes samples to sound weird and I have no idea why...

The songs are padded in size as well so all of them have (or should have) the same size.

I'm lost.

Using AMK 1.0.7. by the way:
Nobody? :/
Still need help.
Originally posted by Ice Man
So, I've been using this patch to have the main overworld load different songs on different positions:

While the patch works fine and does what it's supposed to be, there's a lag when changing songs, because samples are being uploaded again.

However, the songs I'm using all had the same samples and instruments set up. Example:

#path "NSMC"

"med strings 2.brr"
"piano med 1.brr"
"med strings 2.brr"
"nylon gt 3.brr"
"tom 1.brr"

"med strings 2.brr"$00 $00 $d1 $03 $00      ;Ice @30
"piano med 1.brr"$9f $6e $00 $04 $00        ;Forest @31
"med strings 2.brr"$f7 $ea $00 $03 $00      ;Forest @32
"sidestick.brr" $ff $fc $00 $06 $00         ;Maze @33 / Coast @33
"nylon gt 3.brr"$cf $b0 $00 $04 $00         ;Coast @34 
"tom 1.brr" $ff $f5 $00 $04 $00             ;Coast @35 
@13 $A8 $C0 $00 $06 $00                     ;Coast @36

I found out that $7FB001 holds the flag whether to upload samples or not and while I disabled sampled upload during game mode $0E and while being on main overworld ($1F11 = #$00) it works fine and songs changes without lag, instruments and everything sounds perfect....but...
If I enter a level (I unset the flag to upload samples at game mode $0F) the songs work as intended as well but once I finish a level the flag is set again at game mode $0E and while the first song works fine on the overworld, changing them from now on causes samples to sound weird and I have no idea why...

The songs are padded in size as well so all of them have (or should have) the same size.

I'm lost.

Using AMK 1.0.7. by the way:

The truth is that I don't know what the error is, it must be an error, since I think this is a beta version, Try using AMK 1.0.6 to see what happens.
If you don't know, then there's no reason to post. This does not help me at all.

Besides, this is an issue with sample uploading. Any AMK has this.
Dump the SPC of how it should sound on the Overworld and dump the SPC of the "glitched" version.

It's likely related to the sample SRC number and they're probably being uploaded to the "wrong" place.