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Glitchy tiles

So, I got a problem. In my level there are weird 8x8 Tiles all over the screen. They are not visible in the editor and you can kind of see some colors of the background through it. They move with the same speed as layer 1 does and layer 1 is in front of them. The level is blank layer 3 but I could still turn the mist on (it was originally a ghost level). I didn't use any UberAsm on this level, so I got no idea what I did wrong. I really need help.
Do the 8x8 tiles resemble the corner of a pipe using palette 4? If so, make sure you save your Map16 page and play the level again to see if it looks correct. I hope you didn't close Lunar Magic yet because you'd have to import or define those tiles again. (I am assuming this is a H:Constant scroll on your background which is why it moves "with" layer 1)

Just look above you...
If it's something that can be stopped, then just try to stop it!
...I... I did close Lunar Magic... But I'm pretty shure I saved the Map16 before I did. And also, I don't think I touched Pallette 4.
But Thanks for the try.

Originally posted by Counterfeit
Do the 8x8 tiles resemble the corner of a pipe using palette 4?

For the record, if that is the case, it wouldn't look like pipe tiles in-game but rather a random assortment of tiles due to being uninitialized (the pipe tiles seen in LM are a "default" look, but they don't actually get initialized until you edit them).

Anyway, if that's not it, some screenshots of exactly what you're seeing would be helpful in sorting out the possible cause. You can upload them to an external site like imgur and then post them here by surrounding the image URL in [img][/img] tags.

Professional frame-by-frame time wizard. YouTube - Bluesky - SMW Glitch List - SMW Randomizer
Have you been editing the graphics at all? If so, depending on what graphics you've been editing, you overwrote one of these tiles:

These are used to fill empty space, and they're supposed to stay blank. If you draw anything in there, all the empty space will be filled with it.

Just erase those graphics again and you're good to go.

(although if you can't see them in the editor that's a little strange. In any case, it's help to know what exactly you were doing to the ROM before it happened.)

@WhiteYoshiEgg No, those tiles are blank.


How it looks in the editor

How it looks in game

Okay, so what I did to my rom in unnecessary great detail:
-"Instant Item Box v1.4" coded by imamelia, ShUriK KiD, AxemJinx, Erik
-"Don't Get Stuck In Wall Fix" coded by RussianMan
-"Mode 7 Game Over Screen" coded by Roy
-"P-Switch Duplication with Yoshi Fix" coded by KevinM
-"Dynamic Sprites Patch" coded by edit1754, smkdan
-"Gameplay Gimmicks from other Mario Games V1.5" coded by Noobish Noobsicle (only Yoshi-ASM)
-"Leave Yoshi in Level" coded by JackTheSpades, Katrina

ExGFX used in this level
-"NSMBStyleCastle" ripped/redrawn by Nox
-"Another Castle" drawn by GammaV

Also I used UberASM on some levels, but no global ones. I used AddmusicK, GPS and Pixi.

So it looks like it is indeed the blank tile getting corrupted, based ont he fact that the glitchy tiles appear to be on Layer 1 and only in places where there is not already a Layer 1 tile present.

If I had to guess on what the cause is, my bet would be that it is a RAM corruption, specifically of the table at $0FBE, which is used to hold the VRAM data for each of the vanilla Map16 tiles. You can try to verify this by creating another blank tile on Map16 page 2+, and pasting that into your level, and stretching it across your entire level. If $0FBE is indeed where the issue lies, then the custom Map16 tile should display fine despite otherwise being identical (Map16 pages 2+ don't pull their data from RAM, only tiles 000-1FF do).

Should that be the case, it would be an issue resulting from one of your patches or UberASM codes. Check through them for any free RAM they're using (these are usually marked by defines at the top of the file), and see if any of them lie in the range of $0FBE to $13BD. It could also be something using free RAM just before $0FBE that is accidentally bleeding into the table. Past that, my only guess is a bug or conflict in one of your patches that is causing the corruption completely unintentionally.

Professional frame-by-frame time wizard. YouTube - Bluesky - SMW Glitch List - SMW Randomizer
So, yes, creating a new blank tile and placing it everywhere in the level works fine! Since the tiles only appear in this specific level it would be a dirty but functional solution. Also, the closest RAM-Adresses I found were $0F3E and $0F3F in the flutter jump patch, but not exactly $0FBE (But I'm not really good at ASM stuff and so). So, yeah, thank you so much to everyone who helped me as specially Thomas.