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Hack 6 Beta

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Feedback would be appreciated.
Hack 6 Beta by Golden Yoshi

Oh boy! Another Hack by Golden Yoshi, i really enjoyed your Hack Series and thought that they were really creative and fun to play.
I can't believe i'm testing a Golden Yoshi hack, you're, like, the best at creating fun and interesting levels. But enough of me fanboying, let's get onto the testing notes:


When grabbing the trip wire and going offscreen to the left, it would become triggered by nothing. This is only triggered when jumping, and i'm not sure why.

Explore Galore!:

You can bypass to the end of the level if you do a shell jump here.

Super Mario World:

That Passcode Digit is really well-hidden. Liked the whole aspect of killing Rexes with fireballs to retrieve the right number of coins.

Roth's Kooky Kitchen:

Roth says the following and i quote "you'll go running 'til you crash and hit a wall". This isn't really true, as you can stop yourself from running before hitting a wall.
Here is a poor example of me stopping myself from hitting a wall.

OMG Drama Island:

Really creative level. Having to guide Weaselton to the end of the level without killing him is a really cool idea.

Order n' Laws:

At the final room, killing the boomerang bros with a spin jump doesn't kill you.
O.M.G. That passcode, BRUTAL!

Brawns n' Brain?:

I wonder if you misspelled the title of this game show, if so it's Brawns n' Brains.

Overall Opinion:

I have no words. I was in awe the whole time playing this. I had to replay the hack multiple times just so i could write notes. I had too much fun playing this hack.
You can release it right now and nobody would mind the issues. It's that well made and complete. I'm still shocked at how someone can make something like this.

Lots of love, S1Z2 #w{<3}
Thanks, I fixed up some of those issues.
I have not gotten any gamebreaking glitch/bug (Rather, I didn't notice). In fact, the levels are very well designed and I loved every gimmick of this hackrom. It's another good job, just wonderful.

The only thing I would recommend would be to move this Rex in "Super Mario World" a little to the right. It cost me to kill it and collect the coin.

Fight everyone for everlasting peace!
Also known as Teruyami!

v1.0b - 12/10/23

Thanks, I can fix that.