Here it's third my hack. This hack was same featured like Luigi's Super Adventure with exciting features.
Title Screen:
Overworld Map:
Natural Valley 1:
Natural Valley 4:
Salsa Desert 1:
The Pyramid:
Special World:
Great Bridge 1:
World 2 Castle: (formerly LSA's World 2 Castle)
Mystery Cove 2:
So unfinished other level themes' graphics because is WIP. This an C3 demo hack was until World 4 - Ghost House.
C3 Stuff:
Music Request, Graphics, Ports, Mario Kart PC Custom Tracks, Overworld, Mario Kart Tour Fans Club, DT's Music, Clothes and Certificates, MIDI and Coverarts
Tonight.. tonight..
Join Discord server now: DT's SMW Hacking Server
My YouTube Channel: Dispace Troblex
Contact: DT Music and Gaming#8283
Title Screen:
Overworld Map:
Natural Valley 1:
Natural Valley 4:
Salsa Desert 1:
The Pyramid:
Special World:
Great Bridge 1:
World 2 Castle: (formerly LSA's World 2 Castle)
Mystery Cove 2:
So unfinished other level themes' graphics because is WIP. This an C3 demo hack was until World 4 - Ghost House.
C3 Stuff:
Music Request, Graphics, Ports, Mario Kart PC Custom Tracks, Overworld, Mario Kart Tour Fans Club, DT's Music, Clothes and Certificates, MIDI and Coverarts
Tonight.. tonight..
Join Discord server now: DT's SMW Hacking Server
My YouTube Channel: Dispace Troblex
Contact: DT Music and Gaming#8283