Deluxe Mario Adventure C3 Demo by Dispace
Nintendo Presents isn't changed.
Yoshi's Village:
Empty message box, nothing changed.
Natural Valley 2:
Well, this is a familiar cutoff...
Yellow Block Palace:
This text overlapping the yellow blocks.
Basic Fortress:
Well well well... Doesn't this look similar hmm?

Natural Valley 4:
This pipe exit animation.
World 1 Castle:
Are you for real bro?

The Pyramid:
You're kidding me at this point. Left is this hack, Right is Luigi's Super Adventure.

This proves my point that you just copy levels from Luigi's Super Adventure. Shame on you.
Salsa Desert 3:
regular exit...brings you to
Desert Secret 2...
The Quicksand:
I cannot believe it. You didn't even bother to put in actual quicksand. It's just water!
Toad House:
Nice message box dude. You switched them up.
The Force I:
You even copied the airship... come on!

Cutoff on this pipe.
Great Bridge 1:
This subarea is a softlock. The Pipe is unenterable.
World 2 Castle:
This castle is copied from Luigi's Super Adventure yet again.

Mystery Cove 1:
Massive cutoff here. Lack of decorations too.
Icy Star Maze 2:
Rushed, unfinished. Most of the platforms on tracks don't exist.
Mystery Cove 4:
What are these garbage tiles at the bottom? It's not solid it just acts like 25.

More garbage tiles.


Yet more garbage.
Mystery Cove 5:
This level is literally unfinished. No enemies, half of the level is nothing.
Here's another cutoff.
Cove Fortress:
So you put a checkpoint here right? THEN WHY IS THERE SECOND ONE HERE??

The diagonal fireball is stuck in the wall.
Olive Island:
The secret area has no enemies. NONE!
World 3 Castle:
At least make it unenterable. Jeez.
Overall Opinion:
This is just a Luigi's Super Adventure with a new coat of paint. It has no substance.
Every level is at least to some extent copied.
The only level I enjoyed was Icy Star Maze 1. It was fun to play.
Please, PLEASE! Stop copying levels and areas from your previous project. It doesn't make this one any better.
Lots of love, S1Z2