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Luigi's New Adventure

Super Mario WorldDemoScreenshots

Hi, this is my newest that i've been working on it since the end of 2020.
In this hack i have got a bit of inspiration in the aesthetics of older hacks (only in a more polished way, without crazy mix that are not aesthetically pleasing) and some new hacks.
I'm currently following the direction of my previous hack (In A Random Adventure) and trying to make levels with a certain focus on one (or more) sprites (but not always following it completely), this is also the first hack i'm doing that luigi is the main player.

currently i have 4 finished levels, so i'll release a demo with these 4 levels for you to play.


Your hack is looking quite good so far! I gave it a look, and it's overall a solid hack so far (I like the saturated palettes in particular). However, it's a bit hard and Altum Cave has several instances of stacked munchers (not just the one instance in the screenshots you posted) you should consider removing.
My Hacks:
Mario's Strange Quest V1.6
Yoshi's Strange Quest V1.3 / V1.3.1 Beta 4.6
Mario & Yoshi's Strange Quests (2/10/2023 Build)

Other stuff:
My SMW/SMAS/SMAS+W disassembly
Yoshifanatic's Discord Server: A place for fans of my stuff and/or Yoshi to chat with others.
Just finished playing through the demo and I gotta say, this project seems really promising. I like this style of level design, and the aesthetics are really beautiful. However, I think a retry system would fit better for this type of levels, since there's no reliable way of getting lifes and the level design doesn't encourage exploring, collecting stuff etc, which is not really a problem but I think it simply doesn't work with the life system, which gets boring fast as you go through the death animations and game over screens several times since the levels are very hard.
This was a pretty fun demo to play, i really like how it feels like a 2010-ish hack with the aesthetics and music and also it feels like a more modern hack with the level design which had some pretty creative setups.

I do have a few complains though, i think it would be better if the invisible block in the cave level (neat the reset pipe) had some sort of indication, i think that the night level is a bit too spammy with baseball chucks and this happened to me in the thrid level. Other than that, good job and good luck finishing this.

Your hack seems to be very polished, I really liked the palettes, and the graphics are ok. I don't need to say much since you're getting inspiration of 2009 hacks, but you will sure go far in this one
Kirbo was here
From what I played last demo, this hack is tons of fun. Looking forward to see the final results. Also, your palette mixing and layer 3 looks awesome as usual, M.S.! Keep up the good work.

Played the demo and I can tell this hack is a lot of fun to play, the palettes are pretty and the level design is solid, hovewer, like Redwykelz said, I believe Retry System would fit better in your hack.

Other than that keep the great work!
Just some Ys fan lol
I'm going to try this just because I really like the palettes

allow shy guy emojis in post footers you cowards!
The graphics really stand out so far can't wait to see how the final product will be

You are challenged by Champion Daisy!

Nice to see that you fixed some of the things i pointed out. I actually enjoyed this hack a lot more when replaying it, i wish you good luck to finish it.

I played the demo and I found it quite enjoyable. The gimmicks were interesting and many of the setups used them well. The aesthetics were pleasing as well. I'm excited to see more progress and (hopefully) a finished product. Keep up the good work!
Here's some screenshots of the new level that i'm currently working on, it focuses on the "Swimming / Jumping Fish" (sprite 47).

Nice aesthetics as usual, this level looks fun to play, and it's always cool to see the fish enemy outside of water levels.

The levels look pretty tough judging from the set-ups you can see in the screenshots.
I quite like how polished it looks with the presentation found within each level. Nice One!
As someone who followed quite a bit of your work in this and your other hacks at Mario Hacks, I know the amount of effort you've been putting into them, for the best; your level design improved noticeably over the past months imho. Keep it up!
Your Luigi hack looks great, 'cause you've used a lot of graphical resources, making it a chocolate-flavored hack.

Keep up!
Currently working on a new website. Don't expect any hopes soon. 『いけいけ団長、頑張れ頑張れ団長!』
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“Even if you personally are so dissatisfied with life that you want the world to end, surely the cruel reality is that it will continue on, unchanging. All the better for someone perfectly content, like me.”
Aya Shameimaru, Touhou Suzunaan ~ Forbidden Scrollery

Super Mario WorldDemoScreenshots