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Things.smc C3 Trailer

Kaizo/PitSuper Mario WorldVideo/Trailer

I know it's been a while, but rest assured progress on Things.smc never stopped. To show you evidence of this, enjoy this trailer!

I came here for impressive kaizo design and I was not disappointed. I probably won't play this myself cause I struggle with kaizo real bad but am looking forward to seeing some of the good players take this on.
Really well-made trailer. It keeps a brisk pace going between the different shots and syncs up well with the music. Like Ninja Boy, I'm also not a Kaizo player, but still great job.
weeb shit

jk this looks amazing
top 10 anime fights with naruto music
nice trailer and a very promising hack
can't wait to play the full version
Wow, what was that sorcery with the layer switching toward the end, in the grassland + night sky BG level?
Well, that was a...Thing.smc

I am not sorry for that pun.
i have no idea what it says but the music slaps

too bad i don't like kaizo lol

allow shy guy emojis in post footers you cowards!
I feel like you have created a new standard for Kaizo Design due to the sheer amount of creativity and ingenuity.

Its is one of very few hacks that actually tempts me into getting into Kaizo mainly due to the crazy set-ups and sections the player has to precariously overcome in order to beat the level.
Everything you have shown looks so dam satisfying its extremely refreshing to see so with that said I wish you best of luck getting the hack finished and released.
I can see this been quite the hit with speed runners and other Kaizo enthusiasts. #smrpg{<3}

But yes great work. Great Great Work.

Kaizo/PitSuper Mario WorldVideo/Trailer