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Is there an easy way to cycle through a Creator's Music Submissions?


I'm not much of a rom hacker, or a rom player. But I am a serious Rom Hack Watcher, supporter and music obsessed community member. I only recently registered to the forums, and I mostly lurk in the Music section :).

I was wondering if there was a way I could open a user's music submissions and then be able to play all of their submissions in the SPC Player without having to navigate back and forth between the song pages.
Hi there! #tb{:)} There's a play button next to each submission on the music section page, and you can filter it by author, so maybe that's what you're looking for?

There's also a "Radio" feature that was developed just a few days ago - you can choose between a list view and a radio view in the top right corner, and the latter will auto-play and shuffle all the songs on the page. I think it's only available if you're participating in the new site design beta, and it seems to have a few flaws still (not always available, no skipping a song, and no download link), but it may be worth a try.

Thanks whiteYoshiEgg,

The filter thing def works and is helpful!!

Is there any way to get the SPC player to play all the songs in the filter?

My goal is to work while playing this amazing music in the background :)
Originally posted by socool111
Is there any way to get the SPC player to play all the songs in the filter?

Not normally, but that's what the radio feature WYE was talking about does (although in a randomized way). If you want to try it out you can ask to join the SMWC2 beta program.
Perfect, I'll check it out!