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Fedora by AbuseFreakHacker

File Name: Fedora
Submitted: by AbuseFreakHacker
Authors: AbuseFreakHacker
Demo: No
Featured: No
Length: 1 exit(s)
Type: Kaizo: Light
Description: I actually wanted to do a complete Kaizo Light Hack but I have no motivation for it, maybe someday.
This is my first attempt at a light level
Hey, wonderful little level/hack here. I have to reject it for a couple reasons though. The first is that the section with the baby yoshi can just be cheesed by getting p-speed and jumping to the spring, then just spring jumping to the spot below the green pipe.

The second is that, in the section where you're throwing the spring upward in order to keep the bomb bouncing in the air and not hitting the blocks that blow said bomb up, you can spring jump or p-speed jump over the top-left and softlock yourself. Because there's no start-select to exit or timer, it's a legitimate softlock that requires a console/game reset.

Also, I don't know if the Yoshi house on the overworld is supposed to be accessible. I saw the readme file that takes care of the credits, but I think there being more than the one level that appears accessible is a tad confusing. Not a big issue in itself though.

Looking forward to the resubmission.