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Super Mario Chronicles: The series


The hack can be found here:
Or download:

This thread started as a progress thread. I will write here the progress and post screenshots.

Part 1:BBR

List of levels:
World 1: Unknown world - levels:8

01-Brown plains 1
02-Brown plains 2
03-Old cave
04-Gray's castle
05-Latenight mountains
06-Cement's castle
07-Stable waterway
08- 500 year old house- Big BOO's house
teleport with pipe

World 2: Unexplored Areas - levels:7
01- Secret teleporter
02- Purple-X hills
03- Blue happy lake
04- Kamek's fortress (real challenge)
05- Line bridge
06- Line bridge night
07- Unknown castle

Title Screen:

Part 2- A New Travel
Custom music added
Exgfx, custom blocks an sprites might will in the next part.
Levels done:6 levels



Also i'm looking for an people who is expert in overworld editing. I'm written the details, i made the whole levels.

My two old hacks:

13 levels and 15 levels. These hacks haven't specialities. Just m first try to hacking:


And i did a redrawn and a bit fixed version, but the castles aren't working. But you can use SMWdebug to pass areas.


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Before we take this ANY further, i'd just like to clarify whether you mean 'SerieS' or not, rather than serie.

*Edit* on a more serious note, the title screen is virtually illegible and i see bad palettes on almost every screenshot.
Originally posted by Brian94
Title Screen:

Unreadable, go with one constant readable font or switch back and forth from two readable ones.

Nothing wrong, maybe darken the cement block blue. Also fix the right image, it is too high. The BG should always hit the bottom of the screen.

FG is way too dark, you need to brighten it a bit to make it stand from the dark BG.

Purple and green don't clash, get rid of the purple

Water is way too bright blue, it is hurting my eyes.

Average, maybe could use more activity on screen.

Ugh, everything looks bad in this screen.

Working on something!

Better than the cape!

The pipe on the right also cuts the ground. looks a bit scruffy
Originally posted by Brian94

Title Screen:

Ugh. My Eyes. I can't even read that. Also, you shouldn't have letters in black boxes. Make sure all your letters have black outlines, and have a color that's easy to see, like, say, Magenta, or something. Also, try to keep all the letters in the same style. This is a title screen, not a scrapbook! Sorry, but it just looks... bad.

Not too much to say here, It looks alright, although I'd get rid of those blue cement blocks, they sort of clash with everything. Also, this might just be me, but something looks weird about the lighter mountains in the background.

As BD132 stated, the Foreground is too dark. The ground, anyways. I say, keep the lava as it is, but lighten up the FG. I'd also consider fixing up those skulls, they look really ugly, especially with the light green in it. Sorry to be mean, but this hack looks... eh... bad, so far.

Get rid of the purple in the BG. It looks ugly. The colors which that BG uses are supposed to go from a dark shade of one color to a right shade of that same color. Decide on one style or another, because the sprites look to be from SMW Redrawn, but the FG and BG are both from the Original SMW! Clash of the Styles! (Don't feel bad, the style clash is pretty minor here, I've seen worse.)

Fix that garbage near the top of the screen, it clashes, it looks ugly, and it hurts my eyes. That's not the only problem here. As BD said, the water is too bright. Just darken it a bit and it'll be all right. You should also get rid of the Blue Outlines on everything, it makes everything look unrealistic and, eh... awkward. On the bright side, I like your idea of an aquatic castle with grass inside, it sort of reminds me of a Vivarium, or something like that.

Again, I like your Vivarium castle, but Layer 3 Windows + BG = NO. I've got nothing else to say here, other than the fact that the shading on the Giant Mushroom Platforms is awkward. Not Bad, not bad at all. This is my favorite screen of the bunch. Good Work here.

*Throws Up*

Ugh... just... scrap the whole level in general. Everything looks bad here, no offense.

Well, after looking over your screenshots, I'd say that this needs a lot of work, mostly on the palettes.

This hack definitely has potential. Just fix up those very ugly palettes and style clashes, and you've got a semi-decent hack, by my standards. Your opinion might be different, since you made it, and that's fine with me. You're free to make whatever kind of hack you like, just be aware we have certain standards here, so... you'll have to fix some issues, but once those issues are cleaned up, I'm sure that both me and you will be happy with the results.

Play some featured hacks, since you might get inspired to hack better, read some important helpful stickies, fix up this hack, and you have a recipe for success! (Dear God, I hope that phrase isn't Copyrighted!)

Good Luck, and welcome to SmwCentral!

Also, one last note, my hack is called Super Mario Chronicle: Escape from Prison Island! What a coincidence!
Originally posted by Brian94
Title Screen:

I can't read a bit of the text. I can only make out Super O Chonls 1st
iG Boo Returns
Don't have the background for the text, please.

Originally posted by Brian94

That is just plain wrong. Fix the pallete, would you please.

The level layout is okay, just don't kill the palletes please.
I'm fixed some things that was written down here. I'm use Irfan View, that is messing up the graphics in the display, like the ugly castle. In the game it is looks better.

fixed title screen:

The image software has make lighter this. I'm fixed the pipe.

The mountain stayed purple and green, but i made it nicer.

I made the water a little deeper blue.It haven't vivarium bakcground. It just an illusion of smwcentral's background. :)

I made the line bridge in night to a rocket station. It's not awkward anymore.

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Well I can't actually see the pictures, but I do believe that you've fixed some stuff.

Originally posted by Suns
Also, this might just be me, but something looks weird about the lighter mountains in the background.

Personally, I prefer the air I think that looks quite effective...
Sorry, my bad. I hope these are working. I'm uploaded to imageshack, but it don't work.

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Originally posted by Brian94
Sorry, my bad. I hope these are working. I'm uploaded to imageshack, but it don't work.

Title screen = better, but still not... fantastic.

Second screen = better, but the blue blocks still look a bit wierd.

Third screen = blocky background clouds look a bit crappy...

Forth screen = Good, but whats with that horrific palette on those block things whatever they are?

Fifth screen = terrible palette.

Overall, it seems pretty decent, but palettes really let you down.

keep at it!
I'm fixed all you said, the ugly blocks and the blocky cloud. But what can i do with the title screen?

I'm replaced the ugly blocks into thowing blocks.

I changed the plette into a space level.

I hope there is no more glitches.
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Alright, first screen is looking better, if not a tad plain.

Second screen is a big imporvement, I quite like the background now. However try to make the FG palette a little more diluted and not so saturated.

3rd screen: The lack of BG makes it look boring, and you must have changed something in the palette because the status bar is screwed.

4th: Looking a lot better, no complaints.

It's slightly odd how the status bar is a difrerent palette kn every level. is that intentional?
Yes, it's that. I just change it to make more colourful.

Here is some picture of Part II:

The first level, plains of darkness.

First world's overworld.

Acid lake.


Brown mountain. I can just post here to .doc format. It haven't big size. The mountain become grey, if i make it to .png version.
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The overworld looks HORRIBLE. It's just the original SMW overworld with an eye-searing palette.
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" height="140" width="204">Put your gamertag here too.</iframe>
Mario's Nightmare Thread
Originally posted by TooManyToasters
The overworld looks HORRIBLE. It's just the original SMW overworld with an eye-searing palette.

I agree with this guy. You still have many eye soaring palettes. You should always have an altered overworld.

You can make a completely new one if it isn't based from YI and if you want it based on YI, you can change the landscape to make it seem from another time.
Working on something!

Better than the cape!

Originally posted by Brian94

The first level, plains of darkness.

Very nice, especially the object placement, but if you want a night level, remove the clouds from the background.

Originally posted by Brian94

First world's overworld.

A big no. Please, change the pallete.

Originally posted by Brian94

Acid lake.

What's that at the bottom? It looks glitched. And where is Mario?
Originally posted by Brian94

First world's overworld.

You're kidding, right? oh and the first screen has a hurrendous palette: the bg needs some modifying and so does the Bullet bill launcher thing.

I don't understand why all the palettes are bad: it's as if you've just gone into the palette editor and just changed random colours. it makes no sense...
