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The Hard Level Compilation: ReReborn


Dots has given up with the design of this compilation, and handed it over to me.

i dont have lots of time with school and winter drumline (dont ask), so it may be a month or 2, but i have no life so i will put all of my time into seeing this through. Hell, i remembered it existed this long, i think I will be dedicated enough to finish it.

i woluld appreciate it if anyone in contact of the LPers would contact them on this matter.

Dont expect there to be a bunch of updates, any time spent on the computer will be to work on this project.





fully compleated:

All levels complete!


stuff that needs fixing:

scorpion and metalgearhunter - thank you for the 96 level rom. please tell me what exactly you want me ripping >_>

lemmy the koopa - you seem to have given me an entire hack as well. tell me what it is you want added, and i will. until then, YOU GET NOTHING!


BROKEN LEVELS (! indicates something is wrong):



everything else that isnt finished:

music - 0% <- assigned to daboys

overworld - wip <- assigned to dots

credits - wip <- assigned to dots

custom stuff - 85% <-?

boss - 30% <- assigned to jesus

"level difficulty meter" - ???

ok, thanks jesus

looks like the hack is still on

I was starting to worry about this.

So, how do you intend to make custom sprites and custom music work together?
I made a standalone game once, look for Seabug Stampede on Google Play.
I was actually going to ask him if I could take over his job(since He hasn't worked on it for a while), but I guess you beat me /=
I believe either you insert it at the end or use Romi's addmusic.... >_>
Anyway, I'm glad that someone is working because I had forgotten about this.... Also, I'm not LPing it because it wouldn't be blindly considering the ways my videos turn out.... D: I'll try it though....
actually, i dont really know how to use that new addmusic, so i may need help. if sind could do that when i am done putting everything else in, i would really appreciate it.

i plan to put at least 3 levels in today (provided dots sends me everything soon), so i will give you guys an update when i am finished.

actually, I haven't used Romi's addmusic myself ether =P

I'm still kinda working on the OW, though
Jesus! You saved us! XD

Anyway, I sure hope that my level's link isn't dead, cause I deleted it :O
<-- this is the dope on dope
i think dots has all the levels so everything should be fine an00bis.

speaking of the levels, dots still hasnt sent me everything, so i havent been able to progress today -_-. if your'e reading this dots, please email me everything as soon as possible.

if anyone knows how to use romi's addmusic i would appreciate it if you could get that part of the job done.

thanks everyone.

EDIT: wow i am freaking retarded, dots sent me the files in a pm to me as soon as i asked about it.

I can use Romi's Addmusic, so send me a list of music.
Originally posted by Neoteam Red
I can use Romi's Addmusic, so send me a list of music.

thanks! we're not quite that far along in the hack yet, but when it comes time i will send it to you.

i have almost met my quota of 3 levels yesterday, and i should have about 2 more by the end of today.

also, if someone would be willing to draw up some diagonal muncher graphics, it would be very helpfull (i am not that good at that stuff).

more comeing soon

UPDATE: ugh, i finally finished fixing and importing 5 more levels as well as the intro. I started working on hebesphenomegacorona's level, but it is all screwed up. mabey you just didnt send it right or something hebes, but all the graphics are missing, and everything just looks terrible.
i started looking at some more of these entries, and I'm sorry to say that some of you are going to need to fix this crap.

Dont worry about it if you did not include 'custom' stuff, but for some of you that did, i will eventually need to PM you for some things that were left out.

also, can i get a list of how many levels each person did? this shit is really confusing to me.

sorry to put any of my burden on your guys shoulders, but i just flat out cant do this myself given the amount of conflicting stuff.

as for now, here is the new list of levels:


fully compleated:

cousinoer 5
druggedmushrooms x2
g-virus - no custom blocks yet


stuff that needs fixing:

hebes - add the ExGFX and animated GFX files, preferably between slots 90 and 98

scorpion and metalgearhunter - thank you for the 96 level rom. please tell me what exactly you want me ripping >_>

name - you did nothing wrong. thank you for doing everything exactly perfect!

sind - the map 16 wasn't included

tewi - i have no idea what i am even looking at. all i see is flashing yellow blocks on a white background. please explain.

anyone with custom blocks, map 16, graphics, or sprites - your stuff is not compatable, and i need it to be better organized. if something doesnt work, i will try to fix it. if i cant, i will PM you and you will need to change the location of your said 'custom stuff'


everything else that isnt finished:

all other levels

Map 16 data and blocks of unfinished levels


most exgfx




again, i will try my best to do this as independently as possible, but there is just no way anyone could do this without revisions.
Weird. I can remember I sent him the map-16 page as well =/

Anyway, I'll PM you it =P

OW update:

This is how it looked like last time:

And this is how it looks like now:

Like it?
That OW looks great Sind!

You're gonna hate me for this :D..

Image Uploaded by ImageShack Toolbar

I couldn't help myself :P
Creator of:
Super Mario: Buried Treasure
The Haunt
Jigsaw's Test
Thanks KC, they're on my to-do list =P (except I only barely work on the OW from time to time >.>)

Here we go. Fixed those and some other stuff ^^:

Please tell if there's something else.
needs moar decorations/grass
fuck yeah meowingtons
The Eggs of Saear | #extreme | Spade's Gallery of Visual Arts | PM me | My YouTube channel | xkcd | Dinosaur Comics
I agree with name. Also, does it need to be that big? o.o How many people are in this again?
<-- this is the dope on dope
I believe there's 35. And remember, it's a RPG overworld, and so it's more spread out simply because RPG overworlds are more spread out normally.


Holy nuggets, I thought this died. Good to see its back on its feet, jesus.
i will now edit the the first post for all further updates.

i plan to have this on a timeframe of being finished by late-november/early-december. that should give the LPers time to start it right around the holidays.

if this is not doable for sind's timeframe (it seems youre in charge of the overworld) then i can extend it, but i would like that to be our goal.

@sind - the overworld is looking great, but i would like to get some exgfx in there (like palm trees and pihrana plants) if possible. also, there are a few underwater, forrest and lava levels, so i advise planning for that (i.e. put in some trees, make some water area accessable, and possibly throw in a submap for the lava area.) its great as is, i'm just trying to give you something to work on.
Originally posted by Spade
needs moar decorations/grass

Of course it does =P
It's still WIP, you'know. I'm planning to get done with the whole landscape, before starting on the decorations.

Originally posted by jesus

@sind - the overworld is looking great, but i would like to get some exgfx in there (like palm trees and pihrana plants) if possible. also, there are a few underwater, forrest and lava levels, so i advise planning for that (i.e. put in some trees, make some water area accessable, and possibly throw in a submap for the lava area.) its great as is, i'm just trying to give you something to work on.

Oh sure, I've already planned a few stuff like that(like a pyramid for daboys' level).
And I have more then enough space, since there are a lot of tiles I won't use(The moon, stars, the big ladder, road-tiles and etc.) =P

Originally posted by jesus

if this is not doable for sind's timeframe (it seems youre in charge of the overworld) then i can extend it, but i would like that to be our goal.

I'll do my best to get done by that time ;)
