“I may look intimidating, but I'm actually really friendly! I'll still kill you though.”
Clyde is a bot meant for moderation, specifically, monitoring user joins/leaves, automating role grants, and even integrating with external authentication systems using OAuth2.
NOTE: This bot is still under active development, and as such you cannot actually use him at all! Even so, he's an essential part of the bot family, alongside the other three bots below.
“You want a color for your name? Just leave it to me!”
Palette is a bot that allows you to assign yourself custom name colors. Instead of choosing from a pre-defined set, she will allow you to pick any color under the sun, creating a new role for every user. You can even set up assignable roles, so that users can choose from a select few roles to assign to themselves! She works best in small servers, as Discord has a limit of 250 roles per server. She's also currently the only one of my bots available through Slash Commands!
“I know your past. I know your future. I'm here to remind you about it.”
Quote is a bot that can fetch old messages from a channel, and randomly quote them when asked to, allowing you to relive past moments. He can also mashup words from old messages together, search through articles from The Cutting Room Floor and a bunch of other miscellaneous things. Of note is also that he has a completely built-in, but mostly separate, reminder subsystem so you won't forget about future events.
NOTE: This bot is in dire need of maintenance and cannot be added to any other servers at the moment. I hope to have these updates done throughout the course of this C3 so that he can be properly released, but it's really unlikely that it will happen due to work-related reasons.
“Live SPC jamming is now in!”
The SPC Player from the website is now available as a bot, and this one will play your SPC files LIVE in ANY voice channel. It allows for queuing up songs, looping songs, shuffling and more, with even more features planned for the future! Due to resource limits, the bot will only join one channel per server.
These bots are still under development, so issues may arise. Furthermore, I'll also have work obligations today and tomorrow which means I may not be available to fix issues immediatelly. I'll try my best!
While these bots are public for the moment, if I happen to run into resource limitations in the future (I do host these myself), I may have to restrict their usage later on. We'll see.
- Mr Scotsman: for doing the CRT television sprites used by the SPC Player, and many sprites for Quote (you may need to contact him if you want the sprites)
- Telinc1: for creating the SPC Player used in SMWCentral, which was simply adapted to work as a Discord bot
- My friends who helped me test the bot before its release!
Invite Links: Palette Quote SPC Player
SPC Player is available on SnesLab (as SnesBot)
Join the support/test server for these bots below:
Clyde, Palette, Quote and the SPC Player