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The Amazingly Randy


My 1st romhack (first kaizo levels actually) so I'm ready for the criticism! I do have a handful of levels on the go but I felt like only 1 was ready for a full show, so the rest are just screenshots. No OW yet, so the OW screenshot is just to show the player sprite. I felt the blank OW was an eyesore so I at least threw something together for yoshis island. I still have a lot to do (& a lot to learn!) but I figured I had enough that someone might appreciate what im trying to do
I figured out how to merge clips #tb{^V^}

currently working on The Amazingly Randy

ahh what the heck, another level I was almost satisfied with (I wanted to change the end fireball part) but I wouldnt mind some thoughts on it
currently working on The Amazingly Randy

Here we get a face shot of our protagonist, I hope someone recognizes him #tb{:D}
currently working on The Amazingly Randy
I like what I see so far. Very few levels look kinda hard to beat just from watching the previews (such as that cape level), but others seem absolutely doable savestateless (of course, that's just based on first impressions). I personally could get behind the end fireball part of the thwimp level, though that's on you. Do you have any idea of how many levels you're planning to do?

As a side note: at first I was going to say I didn't recognize the protagonist, but after a quick Googling I found out their origin :P
Originally posted by Katerpie
I like what I see so far. Very few levels look kinda hard to beat just from watching the previews (such as that cape level), but others seem absolutely doable savestateless (of course, that's just based on first impressions). I personally could get behind the end fireball part of the thwimp level, though that's on you. Do you have any idea of how many levels you're planning to do?

As a side note: at first I was going to say I didn't recognize the protagonist, but after a quick Googling I found out their origin :P
Thanks! I intend to make something challenging yet satisfying so I've been nerfing things as time goes on, including the cape level. I originally wanted to do a lot more, but I'm gonna try & shoot for 15 levels (creation became slower as I try to learn more & moreO.O).. & I'm glad you like the fireball part! I think I just have to figure out how to make the intended strat more obvious
currently working on The Amazingly Randy
This looks really fun. The sprite for Randy is really well done. Any chance we'll get a giant balls power up? Maybe a repurposed P balloon?
Originally posted by flash1987
This looks really fun. The sprite for Randy is really well done. Any chance we'll get a giant balls power up? Maybe a repurposed P balloon?

You read me like a book LOL! I made the p balloon turn you into Cartman, although idk how I would do a balls powerup. I was thinking of making the cape power up turn you into lorde randy though #tb{^V^}
currently working on The Amazingly Randy
