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SMWCentral Official Annual Music Tourney #1 2021 - end

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This was a REALLY good set. Tons of variety, and I didn't outright dislike any of the songs.

1. Alastair Lindsay & Kevin Saville - Welcome to Wonderland: This is actually really good. I love the bluesy vibe of this song, especially the slow part at around 1:40.
2. Röyksopp - Eple: Alright look, I know I've said that I don't like voting for my own nominations, but the Top 3 are currently very close and I refuse to lose by one vote like I did last time :V
Either way, I nominated this because people here seem to really like Röyksopp (they would've gotten through the qualifying round last time if not for the aforementioned one vote), and this song in particular has a really cool and unique vibe.
3. Whitewoods - Beach Walk: This kind of music is generally not my thing, but this song is nice. It's also short enough that it doesn't start to get overly grating.
4. M2U - Gypsytronic: This one's solid; kinda reminds me of a modern Pokémon city theme. It does get a bit old by the end, though.
5. J.A. Seazer - Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery: I think this song is a bit too long. Otherwise it's pretty good.
6. Nobuo Uematsu - Intro Theme [Super Smash Bros. Brawl]: While I strongly dislike the idea of nominating a song that 99% of the people in this tourney have probably heard before, the song itself isn't bad at all. I liked it more than my last two picks.
7. Lena Raine - Quiet and Falling: Most of this song just kinda bored me, although the "BLOOP" sounds that are introduced at around 3:50 are pretty cool. For a tournament setting, I feel like Celeste has far better and more engaging songs (I'm not that familiar with its soundtrack overall, but what little I've heard has been good).
8. Kate Bush - All We Ever Look For: Ehhhhh...this song isn't horrible, but I feel like I'd have to listen to it at least few more times to get over that initial feeling of "what am I even listening to?!". The random sounds towards the end also make me think this is supposed to be played over a video or as part of a musical or something.
Check out my WIP romhack!
Röyksopp - Eple
Nobuo Uematsu - Main Theme [Super Smash Bros. Brawl]

That's more like it! Good set. Also really liked Beach Walk, Gypsytronic (to my surprise) and Quiet and Falling.
1. M2U - Gypsytronic (giving the artist benefit of the doubt on the unfortunate naming here)
2. Röyksopp - Eple

3. Alastair Lindsay & Kevin Saville - Welcome to Wonderland
4. Lena Raine - Quiet and Falling
5. Kate Bush - All We Ever Look For
6. Nobuo Uematsu - Intro Theme [Super Smash Bros. Brawl]
7. Whitewoods - Beach Walk
8. J.A Seazer - Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery

This was hard, every song had something I liked to some degree, even the lowest placements.
Nobuo Uematsu - Main Theme [Super Smash Bros. Brawl]
Lena Raine - Quiet and Falling

M2U - Gypsytronic
Kate Bush - All We Ever Look For
Röyksopp - Eple
Nobuo Uematsu - Main Theme [Super Smash Bros. Brawl]

List Soundtrack - List Hacks

Mega Man X3 OSTs
M2U - Gypsytronic
Alastair Lindsay & Kevin Saville - Welcome to Wonderland
Röyksopp - Eple
Nobuo Uematsu - Main Theme [Super Smash Bros. Brawl]
Lena Raine - Quiet and Falling
Kate Bush - All We Ever Look For
J.A Seazer - Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery
Whitewoods - Beach Walk
The handomest people in the world are ones who follow my Twitch
Lena Raine - Quiet and Falling

Nobuo Uematsu - Main Theme [Super Smash Bros. Brawl]
Now that I've started working, I won't be able to be as active as before. This is really very sad and depressing for me.

▬ good old days 4 [RELEASED!] [DOWNLOAD]
▬ good old days: recycle bin (?/? level(s) completed)
▬ Super AllSprites.bin World (?/? level(s) completed)
▬ Forer - Barnum 2 (?/? level(s) completed)
▬ dumb 2 - strange levels in my notepad (22/62 level(s) completed)
By the way my Youtube channel
this is easily the best set so far

M2U - Gypsytronic
first song ive actually added to my playlist

Röyksopp - Eple
almost made me pull out all caps for emphasis

Lena Raine - Quiet and Falling
a good song but i never listen to it

Nobuo Uematsu - Main Theme [Super Smash Bros. Brawl]
haven't heard this in ages

J.A Seazer - Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery
not huge on the way the vocals are

Kate Bush - All We Ever Look For
until the lyrics kicked in you could've told me this was a zelda town theme

Alastair Lindsay & Kevin Saville - Welcome to Wonderland
i am sorry but i just cannot handle that midi drumkit

Whitewoods - Beach Walk
i am sorry but this song brings up bad memories
Nobuo Uematsu - Main Theme [Super Smash Bros. Brawl]
J.A Seazer - Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery
Röyksopp - Eple (no contest, this one's fantastic)
Whitewoods - Beach Walk (unfortunately reminds me of youtubers yelling the f-slur at me in 2016, but while I'm not big on vaporwave I still like this better than most of the other noms)

Switched out M2U given the name in the track is problematic (which admittedly is a pretty obvious in hindsight) and as a host I don't wanna keep dealing with that. J.A. Seazer probably could've gotten it but the vocals were a killer for me. rest were #whocare

Lena Raine - Quiet and Falling
Röyksopp - Eple

(Nobuo Uematsu is one of my favorite composers and he has a ton of better pieces than the Smash one that is present on this set, so ... sorry Mr. Uematsu but I refuse to nominate you)
M2U - Gypsytronic
Röyksopp - Eple

That wasn't a disappointing set all-around.
Röyksopp - Eple | i have always fucked with royksopp for real
Kate Bush - All We Ever Look For | gets kate bush tattood across my fingers

M2U - Gypsytronic | well thats a slur im not super comfortable with
Alastair Lindsay & Kevin Saville - Welcome to Wonderland | bubsy good. this song is okay. would be better if it was hardcore dnb
Whitewoods - Beach Walk | vaporwaves. at least its classic shit though
J.A Seazer - Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery | i guess its traditionally epic but standalone it doesnt make me feel anything. sounds like itd be impactful in what it comes from though
Lena Raine - Quiet and Falling | pretty and well composed, doesnt grab me
Nobuo Uematsu - Main Theme [Super Smash Bros. Brawl] | gyeah i mean its fine when i boot up brawl but i wouldnt just sit and listen to this
Whitewoods - Beach Walk
Röyksopp - Eple

Beach Walk has reminded me of another song of a similar genre, the song is called Birdcage, look it up.
And Röyskopp was fantastic, thanks for the discovery, JupiHornet.

Honorable mentions:

J.A Seazer - Internal Clock, Municipal Orrery
Kate Bush - All We Ever Look For

Both of them has something nice going on, it felt rather exotic, but ultimately could not beat my champions.

PS: not that I will lose sleep over it but I'm very upset we are so few persons nominating Beach Walk somehow? This song is too frickin good and I will
smoke a cigarette
listening to it.
Giant EDIT

This set was very interesting. Here are my votes after all:
1- M2U - Gypsytronic (*)
2- Lena Raine - Quiet and Falling
* I had so many problems about this particular song. First of all i just nominated it because i liked it. That's all, until today DeppySlide and idol pointed to me that it can interpreted as a slur word (depends actually). I had no evil intentions and my english is very poor. So if you are a Romanian, and to clear this misunderstanding, i want to say that i just liked the song. That's all.

Well. That's it. Good luck to everyone and stay peachy.
These are my picks...
  • M2U - Gypsytronic
  • Nobuo Uematsu - Main Theme [Super Smash Bros. Brawl]

And now some commentary...
  • I am the most familiar with Nobuo Uematsu - Main Theme [Super Smash Bros. Brawl] due to having the actual game.
  • I'll confess that I tend to judge more on the music than titles... and sometimes even the lyrics, but even that can have its limits. For one of my picks, only the title was a bad call... the song itself was essentially lyricless, and thus that doesn't factor into my choice.
Whitewoods - Beach Walk
Röyksopp - Eple
ask me if i give a f*ck...
My choices are:
  1. Röyksopp - Eple
    (Words cannot describe how epic the song is.)
  2. M2U - Gypsytronic
    (Better add this to the music playlist! QUICK!!!)

Honorable mention:
  • Lena Raine - Quiet and Falling (from Celeste)
    (COME ON! No one hates listening to Celeste's awesome music.)
C3 THREADS: Layout Requests | The Hacking of PuyoPuyo | ??? 『いけいけ団長、頑張れ頑張れ団長!』
Help us raise funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. #ДопомагаємоРазом / #HelpTogether
“Even if you personally are so dissatisfied with life that you want the world to end, surely the cruel reality is that it will continue on, unchanging. All the better for someone perfectly content, like me.”
Aya Shameimaru, Touhou Suzunaan ~ Forbidden Scrollery
M2U - Gypsytronic
Röyksopp - Eple

Tough choices this time! (in the first half anyway.) I went with one I already knew and the one that most made me go "oh hey yeah wow that's nice".

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