Another great set. I loved every song, and even the one I ranked last is still one that I really enjoyed.
From best to worst:
Yoko Shimomura - Main Theme [Xenoblade Chronicles]
- Maybe I'm biased here because I've always been a huge fan of Xenoblade's soundtrack, but I really do feel like this song accomplishes something that the Risk of Rain track fails to do; it manages to capture a beautiful atmosphere while
still carrying emotional impact even outside of context. I first listened to this track long before I actually played the game, and I thought it was utterly phenomenal then as well.
Disclosure (feat. Kelis) - Watch Your Step
- Ah yes, some good old fashion pop. Really gets me wanting to dance every time I hear this tune. The vocals are on-point, too.
Deelatch - Circ and Pompumstance
- Reading the Soundcloud upload's description of what the prompt actually was is pretty great. All-around a very vibe-y and exciting song that manages to captivate despite being so weird and dissonant.
niki (feat. lily) - ELECT
- I'm not the biggest fan in the world of the effects used on the vocals, but god this is so hype. I love it.
Jin Watanabe - Dome
- Very funky and atmospheric. It vaguely reminds me of lo-fi music in that it's the sort of thing I would play in the background while doing other things and not really focus on.
Dan Swanö - Uncreation
- The deep heavy-metal style of vocals took me by surprise, as the instrumental gave me a very different impression of where the song was going, but it works surprisingly well. Once I warmed up to the vocals, I had a lot of fun listening to this; I just don't feel like it needed to be almost six minutes long? Sometimes less is more, folks.
- Very chill, for a pop song. I do really like the sound of it, but I don't feel that it holds much of a candle to any of the others.
Chris Christodoulou - …con lentitud poderosa
- The first half on its own is pretty nice and relaxing, and then the fantastic guitar section in the second half hits you. I haven't played the game that this is from, but it sounds like it should suit an amazing cutscene. I don't feel like I would ever listen to this outside of the game, though, because the "atmosphere" is all this song seems to have going for it, lacking any amount of catchiness or funkiness that would make it more listenable outside of the game.
The handomest people in the world are ones who follow my