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VLDC13 - Rules and Submissions (Rules Clarifications)

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inspired by W4mp3


Finally finished this lmao.
Bklink's link above looks like a spam thing.

Here is my entry below.

I want to thank my testers, unfortunately I wasn't able to rework, so I just took down the sections that were too trivial.

My Entry:
Scorching Sands


Edit: Minor Visual Update in one of the Sublevels
Hello people of SMW Central! It is an honor to present my entry for the VLDC13. You can download it here:
Edit: Redownload! There was a small oversight in the location of an enemy. But it's fixed now!
I collaborated with my friend Waddle on this one.

This one's pretty hard, I think. Hopefully not too much for the average person to enjoy it, but if it is, maybe my sicko friends will like it instead

I'm pretty proud of the concept and style; it was coming up with the actual screens that was a bit of a struggle
Nemona's #5 biggest fan. Shows up once in a blue moon for a contest or collab, then mysteriously wanders off. Probably knows what the song in your level is.

I have finally been able to release my entry. It may be short due to procrastination and business, but I tried my hardest. Hopefully there aren't any massive errors.

Here's the stage. Enjoy!

Super Mario World - Bonus by S.R.H
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror - Rainbow Route -
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island Soundtrack -
Super Mario Galaxy - Purple Coins -
Every dream is but another reality, never forget…

My In-Progress Hack

did a thing at the last minute. (i really hope I didnt break any rules lol)

Layout by Koopster
Abstract entries are my favorites! #tb{^V^}

I had little time to prepare this.
I used few resources.
I hope it's within the rules.
Hope everything is OK!

Have fun!
Good luck to everyone! #smw{:peace:}

(Sorry, if my English language is "bad") #tb{D'X}

My Entry:
Whew, I cannot believe it's finally done, this is my first VLDC (and SMW Central contest overall) submission, yay! I hope everything is within the rules of the contest, and that whoever plays this gets to enjoy the level.

Also, Good luck to all other participants! ♪
Have been excited for VLDC for quite some time. I got
frustrated when I found out there would be no compilation, since I was wanting to be a part of something.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13
Entry (collab with lolyoshi)
Thiana's Gold Trail
Are you ready to witness the epic nature trail of a lifetime?
Currently working on a new website. Don't expect any hopes soon. 『いけいけ団長、頑張れ頑張れ団長!』
Help us raise funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. #ДопомагаємоРазом / #HelpTogether
“Even if you personally are so dissatisfied with life that you want the world to end, surely the cruel reality is that it will continue on, unchanging. All the better for someone perfectly content, like me.”
Aya Shameimaru, Touhou Suzunaan ~ Forbidden Scrollery
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