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Super Mario World Central Production 2 - First Official Release!

It's wild: I haven't designed anything SMW-related in well over a decade, and here SMWCP2 is with a level I worked on. Not that the level is particularly great, but I appreciate everyone who helped this project finally see the light of day.

There are a lot of lessons to be learned through the development process and final product, but I also think it's useful to remember the context of SMWCP2's development. SMWCP2 started in many ways as a "reaction" to the faults of SMWCP, particularly the prevalence of item babysitting, inconsistent difficulty, uninspired level/world theming, etc. There was a lot of joy in the early parts of SMWCP2's development, particularly related to the sheer creativity and more consistent design approach. I particularly remember the fun of helping brainstorm world themes, and moving away from the grasslands-desert-ice-forest-etc etc format. Arguably, SMWCP2 could have been much more economical in its use of creative assets (if space limitations are anything to go by), but I think the imagination behind the level design of this project still stands as a highlight.

SMWCP3 could definitely benefit from SMWCP2's lessons, particularly in design economy and a planned development cycle, but it also shouldn't be afraid to get weird and optimize the creative ambitious that this project couldn't fully hit.
Can't believe it's finally here after all these years.
Wow. It is amazing to see this released. I never thought it would see the light of day after endless delays. Good work.
Thank SMWC Team!
We waiting 11 years for second part of SWMCP2!
In my memory, i playing this hack in early 2019, and it's cool!

Well, I can't believe I'd live to see that day this was completed. This project was a thorn in my side for years before I finally had to toss in the towel and call it quits.

You did a fantastic job getting this all wrapped up and I couldn't be happier to see all of the hard work everyone put into this wasn't for nothing. You and everyone else should be proud of finally bringing this to a close. You sir are a legend in my book.

Congrats and thank you. I can finally rest in peace. ^_^
Layout by LDA during C3.
Congrats, folks!

The soundtrack is pretty hot
This feels like a dream, seeing SMWCP2 be released, congrats and kudos to everyone who put this project together and didn't gave up. #smrpg{:D}
I needed to take a double take when I saw this thread. Took a long time but better than never, right?

Looking forward to future updates.
Now that the hack is officially released, will any (or all) of the resources from it get submitted to the sections?


I'm working on a hack! Check it out here. Progress: 64/95 levels.
Okay now lets see Super Mario World Production 3! Lets go!
It's soo good to see this project being finally released, i have been helping the team since 2019 and seing this release is like a dream coming true.

Also, the entire soundtrack has been released to the music section (still waiting for moderation though), which means that there are 80+ new and original songs for us to use in our hacks.

Does the game save after each level beaten on the overworld?

I mean, I would think every hack would do this. What if you only have 5 mins to play and you want to knock out a few levels and then all of the sudden you realize the game isn't saving your OW progress.


I should have something witty to put here (even if it's just to update dated info), shouldn't I?

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It saves every time you move to a level tile on the OW.

I know I said this on Discord, but man is it awesome that this hack is being released! Can't believe it took 11 years for that to happen. Oooh boy.

the end of an era
Layout made by MaxodeX
2021 TRENO vibe check thread
Originally posted by Ayami
the end of an era

Now we'll be able to think of events on this site in terms of "before SMWCP2 release" and "after SMWCP2 release"
Legacy custom music
A site with a non-useless dislike button
SMW hacking channel

Originally posted by Ayami
the end of an era

That's exactly what we wanted to call the credits theme that Torchkas is/was making. It just FITS.
Unfortunately, I'm not very active on the site anymore like I was before; I'm mainly on Discord now. Thanks for understanding.
Congratulations on finishing this project. Dev hell is something that I wish to no project from people. Looking forward to play it.

Originally posted by Ayami
the end of an era

Ain't the truth, I remember way back in high school when this thing was just being started, sitting in engineering class and just shaking at reading the updates and stuff on this. Next thing you know, cut to eleven years later and here we are; I mean, for all intents and purposes, the hack isn't finished, but it is in a stand-alone and presentable state. With how things were going, SMWCP2 was starting to look like that one punchline that would never get old.

Still though, Falconpunch, converting this to SA-1 will do a lot of good for actually completing the product. It's not an easy thing to do and will take a few weeks to convert all the resources, but if you're looking to do anymore additions or work to this hack. The benefits to converting a hack is astounding and worth the effort, so that's the first thing I would encourage you to do.

I'd play this but i don't like playing "unfinished" version of things.
Not that it's clearly not in a finishable state, but those lists of things to work on seem substantial so i'd rather wait to see if we get an more "final" version before starting to play this.
Good job though, hopefully this release will vitalize efforts to finish what still needs to be done.