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SMWCentral Official Annual Music Tourney #2 (2022) - WINNER


Eric Johnson - Cliffs of Dover

Cannibal Ox - Iron Galaxy

death's dynamic shroud - Tear in Abyss

KOTOKO - Agony

List Soundtrack - List Hacks

Mega Man X3 OSTs
1. Yuji Ohno - Take It to the Sky
2. Cannibal Ox - Iron Galaxy
3. death's dynamic shroud - Tear in Abyss
4. KOTOKO - Agony

Matchup 3 is rough because I really like both songs, but once again I went for the more unique one.
Check out my WIP romhack!
Eric Johnson - Cliffs of Dover

Yes - Heart of the Sunrise

Uriah Heep - Lady in Black

FKJ - Us

Eric Johnson - Cliffs of Dover

Cannibal Ox - Iron Galaxy

Uriah Heep - Lady in Black

FKJ - Us
My votes are...
  • Yuji Ohno - Take It to the Sky
  • Yes - Heart of the Sunrise
  • Uriah Heep - Lady in Black
  • KOTOKO - Agony
Take It to the Sky
Heart of the Sunrise
Tear in Abyss
Eric Johnson - Cliffs of Dover

Cannibal Ox - Iron Galaxy

death's dynamic shroud - Tear in Abyss

FKJ - Us

actually difficult decisions now
take it to the sky
heart of the sunrise
tear in abyss
soundcloud / bandcamp / twitter / youtube / vgm album
(I) Eric Johnson - Cliffs of Dover
(II) Yes - Heart of the Sunrise
(III) Uriah Heep - Lady in Black
(IV) FKJ - Us
Eric Johnson - Cliffs of Dover

Yes - Heart of the Sunrise

Uriah Heep - Lady in Black

KOTOKO - Agony

I guess, not really sure on any of these except III
>Mark danced crazy!
Backloggery MyAnimeList
Yuji Ohno - Take It to the Sky
Yes - Heart of the Sunrise
Uriah Heep - Lady in Black
KOTOKO - Agony
Layout made by MaxodeX
2021 TRENO vibe check thread
Brackets: Round of 64

My choices are:
  1. Yuji Ohno - Take It to the Sky
  2. Yes - Heart of the Sunrise
    (Wait, are we voting LONG SONGS now?!)
  3. death's dynamic shroud - Tear in Abyss
  4. KOTOKO - Agony

“YAAAARGH!!! I can’t decide! I just can’t decide!!”
Holy fish paste, this is literally The Hardest Ever!!
Currently working on a new website. Don't expect any hopes soon. 『いけいけ団長、頑張れ頑張れ団長!』
Help us raise funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. #ДопомагаємоРазом / #HelpTogether
“Even if you personally are so dissatisfied with life that you want the world to end, surely the cruel reality is that it will continue on, unchanging. All the better for someone perfectly content, like me.”
Aya Shameimaru, Touhou Suzunaan ~ Forbidden Scrollery
Yuji Ohno - Take It to the Sky

Yes - Heart of the Sunrise

death's dynamic shroud - Tear in Abyss (video won't play for some reason but if this is the song I remember it being then yeah.)

KOTOKO - Agony

Yuji Ohno - Take It to the Sky (yuji ohno goated)
Cannibal Ox - Iron Galaxy (not even close)
Uriah Heep - Lady in Black (was seriously close to skipping this battle entirely)
FKJ - Us (not voting anime music sorry)

yuji ohno - take It to the sky
cannibal ox - iron galaxy
death's dynamic shroud - tear in abyss
fkj - us

I. Eric Johnson - Cliffs of Dover
(So great, so cool, I love it!)

II. Yes - Heart of the Sunrise

III. Uriah Heep - Lady in Black

IV. KOTOKO - Agony
Set E, my favourite number!

I. Yuji Ohno - Take It to the Sky
II. Yes - Heart of the Sunrise
III. death's dynamic shroud - Tear in Abyss
IV. KOTOKO - Agony
What is a Lunar Magic, and can I eat it?
Set E Results

Yuji Ohno - Take It to the Sky (10-7)
Yes - Heart of the Sunrise (11-6)
death's dynamic shroud - Tear in Abyss (9-8)
KOTOKO - Agony (10-7)

Bracket Round 1: Set F

Ichiro Shimakura - Erosion Corrosion
Fleet Foxes - The Shrine / An Argument

Los Hermanos - O Vencedor
mewithoutYou - Blue Hen

Björk - Unison
Susumu Hirasawa - Guts' Theme

Black Country, New Road - The Place Where He Inserted the Blade
Casiopea (ft. T-Square) - Fightman


Set F [in the chat for Cannibal Ox]
Check out my WIP romhack!
(I) Fleet Foxes - The Shrine / An Argument
(II) mewithoutYou - Blue Hen
(III) Björk - Unison
(IV) Black Country, New Road - The Place Where He Inserted the Blade
1. Fleet Foxes - The Shrine / An Argument
2. Los Hermanos - O Vencedor
3. Björk - Unison
4. Black Country, New Road - The Place Where He Inserted the Blade

Pretty easy decisions this time
Check out my WIP romhack!
