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Overworld Design Contest 2022 - Results 🎉


You know what time it is. I'd like to firstly thank our three judges: Koopster, Major Flare, and Ringo. The three of you have earned a lifetime supply of Feeling Good about Judging OWDC 2022.

And for the results of Miss Overworld 2022, we have:

In the mighty thirth place:
GbreezeSunset and Lazy scoring 81.67/100
Coming up second place is:
Deeke scoring 92/100
And to the winner go all the spoils:
Devazure and Kevin scoring 97.33/100

Congratulations to the top 3! For a full breakdown of scores, come on over and check out the below links:

Spreadsheet Results | Koopster | Major Flare | Ringo

To all the others who participated, you'll receive this nifty little green guy:

And our three judges will get to fight over one copy of this trophy:

just kidding

And that's that! We'll see you all next time for an even more off-the-rails, thrilling, scary and beautiful OWDC. Goodnight.
can we see the overworlds somewhere? id love to check them out
I always come back - W. Afton

pm me if you need someone to test your hack (easy - kaizo light), i'd love to help out and break it <3
please let me know some infos about your hack (exit amount, difficulty you aimed for, any special patches used like walljumping etc)

Phew, at least no one was disqualified.😅
Congratulations to everyone who participated (and also everyone who sent images in the owdc-showoff channel before dropping out)! I already thought my entry wasn't gonna get third place because of the general design after I replayed it.

I feel like  Deeke should have been allowed to send the final version of his entry due to what happened though.
Quite surprised  Devazure &  Kevin didn't get a perfect score, their entry was amazing!
Kirbo was here
This was a very exciting contest to be a part of! It's quite a shame that so many people dropped out, but man what a bloodbath for top 3 that would've been. Congrats on  Devazure's hat trick, I'm sure he and  Kevin would've made it unscathed either way with how top-notch their world was. GbreezeSunset and  Lazy turned in a very dreamy overworld. I think sometimes the colors are a bit oversaturated, but it does capture a certain atmosphere I think. Nice job there!

I was also pretty fond of both edgar's world and  Daizo Dee Von's AI mindscape in particular.

Originally posted by edgar
I feel like  Deeke should have been allowed to send the final version of his entry due to what happened though.

Honestly that wouldn't've been very fair. The power brick I'd ordered took a few days to arrive, that's much too far away from the deadline. I'm just glad that I could cobble together something to submit, let alone get 2nd place out of it!

Other Submissions of mine!
Outstanding finalists, powerful entries. So much sweat and so many hours went into these entries, and it's pretty obvious right away. Great job, medalists!

Maybe next time, I take another stab at it.

Chapter Two: Land of No Shame
12th place, huh.

Not too bad for making a unique SMB3 Overword Entry.

Due to lost motivation, I couldn't finish all the entries (I have only gotten to human, for example, and didn't even finish to fully rate it). Nonetheless, I took a small sneak peak at the entries (only the top three) and was not surprised at all that it was  Devazure and  Kevin who made the winning entry. The various gadgets and gimmicks are so well made, it truly made a mindblowing combination and also shows, how much potential overworld ASM has (the overworld is coding wise a rather unexplored territory, after all).
I just want to say congrats to everyone on their placements! Everyone did a great job. The interactions with fellow designers during the contest period is always my favorite part, and I can’t wait to do it again.

I truly had a blast collaborating with  Kevin and giving it our all. It got pretty tight near the deadline, but we managed to crunch it out. I really gotta hand it to  Deeke, too, for keeping me on my toes. He definitely came for blood!
Originally known as A Yoshi (2006-2009), Aquifer (2010-2011), and Azurik (2012-2014).
To be honest, I wasn't expecting an 8th place in this contest, given that I almost know nothing about doing overworlds and my participation here was mainly to improve my skills, and to learn more about overworldings. I certainly didn't have any chance to get a higher rank due to those strong and wise competitors on top places. Congratulations to all the participants, this was a fun adventure. See ya next overworlds!
