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Mad Scientist ASM Contest 2022 - Results


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Click here to view the results now!!!

Voting has begun! Jump to the entries here!

EDIT: The deadline has been extended and some additional rules have been added. Please read below, or see the changes here.

EDIT2: Added additional rules - one entry per person and no partners.
EDIT3: Added rule about using NMSTL.

Welcome to the 2022nd edition of ASM Mad Scientist! Unlike previous contests, there's no more multiple rounds. You will have one theme to work with and one week to prepare your submission.

The Theme:
Make a new sprite by mixing together two vanilla SMW sprites!

The Rules:
  • You are allowed to use the original code of the two sprites you are mixing up for your entry. However, you should not plagiarize significant amounts of existing code made by other users. Any evidence of this will disqualify your entry.
  • That being said, you are not required to use the original sprite code if you don't want to. The theme of the contest is more about the concept of mixing sprites rather than a literal mixing of code. I have decided to go this route to allow the most flexibility for entrants.
  • You may only submit ONE (1) entry to this contest.
  • You may not work with a partner on your entry.
  • Other than NMSTL and modifications from Lunar Magic, you must be able to insert your sprite into an unmodified SMW ROM.
  • All sprites have to work with the latest versions of Lunar Magic, Asar, GPS, PIXI, UberASM (it's up to you whether you want to use the tool or patch) and SA-1 Pack.
  • Your entry must also work in the latest versions of both SNES9x and BSNES. Do not abuse emulator inaccuracy..
  • You cannot use Open Bus, as it does not work with SNES9x.
  • Do not obfuscate code. Any code which is executed should stand in plain text and may not be unreadable for the sake of being unreadable! If you need a piece of code to be obfuscated, use it sparingly and provide a comment/explanation. (Obfuscated code includes but is not limited to: Inserting precompiled code and then executing it, pushing precompiled code onto the stack and then executing it, and excessive use of macros and defines.)
  • You are not required to use custom graphics/music with your submission, but you are allowed to use them if you want.
  • All entries must be anonymous, so please make sure to remove your name from anywhere in your submission.

The Submission:

To submit your entry, please write a PM to  DeppySlide under a title along the line of "Mad Scientist" or "ASM Contest" and the name of your submission (e.g. "Mad Scientist - Pitchin' Chuck Lotus Bastard"). You must include a zip (or similar) file which includes all resources used (including any graphics or music), a ReadMe file, and a BPS patch to provide a demonstration for your sprite. (An IPS or ROM will result in disqualification!)

The Judging:
Like previous ASM contests, there will be ranked user judging for all the entries. However, in addition to that, we also have a pair of judges:  Major Flare and  Donut! They will provide qualitative comments for each of the entries and then provide their top 3, which will get special trophies. Speaking of which...

The following are the trophies all participants will receive:

In addition, the top three entrants will receive a game code of their choice (from this list)!

The Deadline:
The deadline for entries is Monday, September 26th, at 9:00 PM GMT.

And that's that! Please submit all your contest questions to this thread and I (and others hopefully #smrpg{gasp}) will do my best to answer all of them. Happy coding!
Aight, time to make some jank #ab{@_@}
I suck at ASM and AMK
jokes on you all this is the exact type of jank i live for

I guess I'll ask the first question. Does "existing SMW sprite" necessarily mean a vanilla sprite, or just anything that anyone has ever made for SMW?
So despite this being a "sprite mashup" theme, it has to be coded from scratch?

what? So the sprite has to show evidence of it being a mashup, but it can't use the same code? This also assumes I can't start with a disassembly or anything from all.log.
I think the rules are not that clear regarding the use of code. Can someone implement a code-frankenstein of a mix of sprites or we are expected to write all of the code ourselfs or somewhere in between? The line is not that well defined.

On the other hand, Isn't one week a very short time limit? I mean, surely a month would be too much, but two weeks seemed like a more fair timeline, especially for people who don't have that much free time avaliable. Also, such a short time limit helps to encourage code frankenstein-ing.

I don't think I will have enough time to create a decent entry this time, but good luck to everyone participating into this!
The theme is to mix 2 vanilla SMW sprites, but do they have to be normal sprites?
Can we mix shooter, generator, run once, extended, cluster, scroll, minor extended, smoke or score sprites or just ones insertable by PIXI 1.32?

Can the new sprite be SA-1 only?

You must be able to insert your sprite into an unmodified ROM.

PIXI currently aborts insertion if ROM isn't modified by Lunar Magic. Does the sprite have to be an asar patch then?

Also others have asked, but can we plagiarize Nintendo's code?
Check out Team Hack Fix/Translations' thread full of fixed and translated SMW hacks!

Wanted Permabanned or Dead by new staff team
Okay, based on the immediate feedback I've gotten, there's a lot I need to clarify. I have zero expertise in ASM so there may be additional changes after this, but I am going with what I think would yield the best results for this contest.

Originally posted by Fernap
Does "existing SMW sprite" necessarily mean a vanilla sprite, or just anything that anyone has ever made for SMW?

You can only mix vanilla SMW sprites.

Originally posted by Daizo Dee Von
So despite this being a "sprite mashup" theme, it has to be coded from scratch?

what? So the sprite has to show evidence of it being a mashup, but it can't use the same code? This also assumes I can't start with a disassembly or anything from all.log.

Originally posted by Darolac
I think the rules are not that clear regarding the use of code. Can someone implement a code-frankenstein of a mix of sprites or we are expected to write all of the code ourselfs or somewhere in between? The line is not that well defined.

Originally the rules were taken from the previous ASM contest, but I can see that the plagiarism rule as it stands is not sufficient for this iteration of the contest.

You are allowed to use the original code of the two sprites you are mixing up for your entry. However, you should not plagiarize significant amounts of existing code made by other users. Any evidence of this will disqualify your entry.

That being said, you are not required to use the original sprite code if you don't want to. The theme of the contest is more about the concept of mixing sprites rather than a literal mixing of code. I have decided to go this route to allow the most flexibility for entrants.

Originally posted by Darolac
On the other hand, Isn't one week a very short time limit?

The deadline for this contest has been extended to Monday, September 26th, at 9:00 PM GMT. I won't be extending it any further as by that time SFCompo will have started.

Originally posted by ASMagician Maks
The theme is to mix 2 vanilla SMW sprites, but do they have to be normal sprites?
Can we mix shooter, generator, run once, extended, cluster, scroll, minor extended, smoke or score sprites or just ones insertable by PIXI 1.32?

Can the new sprite be SA-1 only?

I am going to say yes to both of these for now unless ASM people that are smarter than me tell me this is a bad idea.

Originally posted by ASMagician Maks
PIXI currently aborts insertion if ROM isn't modified by Lunar Magic. Does the sprite have to be an asar patch then?

Yeah this rule is also poorly worded, this will be fixed as well.
Only 1 question: Can we do more than 2 for the mix? Or is that rule RAW?
You can only mix two sprites for your entry, sorry.

I am allowing it for now.

Bowser + Peach. You may now cherry pick from a full bank of code #smrpg{:D}
This should be fun tho
Red koopa + gallomba = goombud
???? + ???? =!?!??
Excited to see what people come up with.
Forgive me, master, but just this once...

I have to go all out.

allow shy guy emojis in post footers you cowards!
Sorry forgot a couple more rules:

1. You can only submit ONE entry for this contest.

2. Only one person can work on an entry.
I don't think this was gonna happen but might as well cover all bases. #smrpg{:3}

As requested on Discord, you can use the No More Sprite Tile Limits patch for your entry.

I wait someday to win huh?

Cannot wait to see these sprites.
Well, that's a wrap! I'll give one hour for any other last-minute submissions or updates. Until then, look forward to voting on each of the ASM entries!

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