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It has been quite some time since the end of the Kaizo Level Design Contest, and I can assure you, it hasn’t been spent mindlessly. I want to thank, from the bottom of my heart,  GlitchCat7,  LouisDoucet, katun24 and lungfish3000 for their incredible effort in playing through all of these entries multiple times, truly investing in the evaluation of them, and providing not only results, but the type of feedback that will advance this genre of design forward leaps and bounds.

I also want to thank the PR staff and admins for their patience with us, and with me, as we crawled our way to the finish line. As you’ll soon see, I feel the results are worth the wait.

And now, the results.


This year's KLDC is dedicated to the memory of Howard "UghRochester" Hall, and to the joy and happiness he brought us through his friendship, positivity, and love of kaizo SMW.


In what is not a first, but a true rarity, there were no disqualifications. All 72 viable entries received scores.

TOP 10
T9 - POGO DRILL - MiracleWater and GBreezeSunset - 89.25
T9 - loadbearing paywall - Lazy - 89.25
T7 - Dragon’s Lair - MassPunishment - 89.75
T7 - Duckslide Ride - HamofJustice - 89.75
6 - A sticky situation - Sixcorby - 90.5
5 - Sticky Fly - MDBattlefrog - 92.5
4 - Fyre150 - Transfiguration - 94.25

In 3rd Place, with a score of 94.75:

sentimental sediments, by FrozenQuills

In 2nd Place, with a score of 95.00:

The Land of the Untamed, by TheBourgyman

And your KLDC 9 winner, with a score of 97.00:

Everywhere Else, by FerpyMcfrosting

CONGRATULATIONS to all of the creators in this year’s competition, because this year was arguably the most high-quality class of entries, top to bottom, in the contest’s history.

1 - FerpyMcFrosting - Everywhere Else - 97.00
2 - TheBourgyman - The Land of the Untamed - 95.00
3 - FrozenQuills - sentimental sediments - 94.75
4 - Fyre150 - Transfiguration - 94.25
5 - MDBattlefrog - Sticky Fly - 92.50
6 - Sixcorby - A sticky situation - 90.50
7 - MassPunishment - Dragon's Lair - 89.75
7 - HamofJustice - Duckslide Ride - 89.75
9 - MiracleWater and GbreezeSunset - POGO DRILL - 89.25
9 - Lazy - loadbearing paywall - 89.25
11 - AmperSam - Save It For Later - 88.75
11 - JazzMan287 - Dyson Sphere - 88.75
13 - Mithrillionaire - Bowser's Basement - 88.50
14 - deported - Cumulus Mediocris - 87.25
15 - TheBiob - House of Screenwrap - 87.00
15 - gui - Stopwatch Disease - 87.00
17 - ThirdWall - Solid Level - 86.75
18 - Kevin - Metempsychosis - 86.50
19 - Alex - Dancing in Isluga - 85.75
20 - SJandCharlieTheCat - A Tale of Two Cities - 85.50
21 - elusive - More Bounce to the Ounce - 85.25
22 - Abdu - Food Samples - 85.00
23 - sio-kedelic - SMB3 4 Lost Players - 84.75
23 - OEO6 - some KaYzo tours - 84.75
25 - Nciktendo - Gravitas - 84.50
25 - quietmason - super i love my mom and shell world - 84.50
25 - MorrieTheMagpie - Soft Parade - 84.50
28 - Samie Zuccati - ASCETICISM - 84.25
29 - NerDose - Hot Fuzz - 83.25
30 - jirok1 - Verdant Equitation - 83.00
31 - SolveForX - Downwell.smc - 82.75
31 - idol and lolyoshi - untitled - 82.75
33 - Prestinator13 - Land of Enchantment - 81.50
34 - jquery861 - Yoshi P(l)ains - 81.00
35 - StayAtHomeStegosaurus - The First Hunter - 80.00
36 - shaoshao - Vanilla Cave Level - 79.25
37 - CircleFriendo - Forgotten Foundry - 78.50
38 - ageverrly - SUBVERSIVE DREAMS - 77.50
39 - NikSik1 - Omoide - 77.25
40 - detdu - STUFFED PIPES - 77.00
40 - Nitrogen - MICAELSOFT BINBOWS - 77.00
42 - fryinb - Swinger - 76.75
42 - ghyn - Mario becomes a factory line worker - 76.75
44 - OnlySpaghettiCode - Altered Collision - 75.50
44 - yoshi9429 - Spin's Ghost Forest - 75.50
44 - GrumpyWalrus - Sunset Shells - 75.50
44 - oyok - Vortex Ridge - 75.50
48 - 5ive - A Very Mario Kaizo - 75.25
48 - Azula16 - Waiaiai. - 75.25
50 - FalseCircus - Smack Down the Sun - 75.00
51 - Buzbee - Whale in the Sky - 73.25
52 - ninj - baked goods - 72.50
53 - TheKazooBloccGosh - Unthrow and Rebox - 71.75
54 - Hobz - MARIO GETS BLOCKED - 69.75
55 - Sammmoo and Insanit__ - Escortmania - 69.25
56 - AbuseFreakHacker - Nebular Phantasia - 68.50
56 - gemstonezVA - Circle Catastrophe - 68.50
58 - KurtisTrydiz - DiscoDisco - 67.25
59 - HD_DankBaron - Reach for the Stars - 67.00
60 - Anorakun - Michael Bay Studios - 66.50
60 - D1STYNCT - Night Shift - 66.50
62 - wir4lor - Karla's Conquest - 65.00
63 - Ryman - Probably Terrible - 64.75
64 - le4che - Flying Without Style - 63.75
65 - bebn legg and E-man38 - Column Rise - 62.75
66 - milgrips - Slippery When Wet - 61.75
67 - VinylHeart - Sky Castle Athletic - 59.75
67 - TenBlade - Orbin' Time - 59.75
69 - Koll5 - Spikerr - 58.50
70 - Nathrakus - Mobial - 58.25
71 - Heraga - K1 1-1 Remade From Memory - 53.75
72 - Somebody for sure - Burnout - 46.25


So, if you want to know the reason for the delay? Between them, the judges have compiled nearly 400 pages of feedback, critique, rationale and comments on this year’s group of entries. This was their decision - so impressed were they by the overall quality of the entries that, in addition to their VODs and streams, they wanted to make sure they detailed not only why they gave levels the scores they did, but also their overarching thought process and comments to all who wanted to learn from this year’s competition.

This feedback, along with the full scoring breakdown, can be found at the contest website: Below are links to the judge feedback documents, as well:


One more thing:

I'm not a doctor.


Well, that's a nice surprise :P
GG to the runners up as well!
I'll take 67th place, haha~ Not a great result but---

I had fun participating in this, my first kaizo contest! We truly have been waiting for quite some time for these results and I will say, I am satisfied with them. :)

Congratulations to the top 10ers!

- "Emo Kids Forever"
- "Idgaf"

I play video games on Youtube everyday

Oh no, here comes the kldc results where I'm sure I got DQ... #smrpg{ohno}

What? There's no DQ this KLDC!? Wow! Good Job everyone! Including me!
But I'm sure it got placed at the bottom with a bad score...

Wait I GOT 71.75 (53th/75)!?!?

What a unexpected but happy outcome! #tb{:DD} (Still unhappy how my entry turns out...)

Next KLDC, no more stressful
color coded checkpoints

Edit: And thank you judges and  BD_PhDX for KLDC #w{<3}
My 1st romhack in progress (testing avaiable)...
Really happy about my 2nd place! Congrats to Ferpy for a very well deserved 1st place, and to all over participants for submitting awesome levels. This truly feels like a celebration of kaizo.
Congrats to all the participants and thanks for all the work on this contest and the results Doc and the judges! Looking forward to the neXt one! :)
Congrats to the winners and participants! There were so many neat and fun-looking entries, even now I'd like to give some more of them a try.

65th place makes sense, Bebn and I quite literally ran out of time for our entry. We still enjoyed pulling it together though, no regrets! #smrpg{haha}

Shoutouts to the judges and pre-judges too for thoroughly evaluating all 72 entries, as well as a big thank you to Doctor No for hosting! I can tell that a lot of effort was put into this year's KLDC especially, and it paid off super well.
What is a Lunar Magic, and can I eat it?
I wasn't aiming high, but I'm still surprised how decently my level performed. For a level that was quite stressful to make due to real life circumstances,, it sure surpassed a bit my expectations. Now with this well written feedback, I can polish the rough edges of my KLDC 2022 level and put in my next hack. Thanks for all the judges for the very detailed feedback, I'm taking these very seriously to polish my stuff. Also, special thanks to Doctor No for hosting this contest, as well.

Also congratulations to everyone. The variety of author styles and ideas in this event was very motivating and insane. #smrpg{:3}
GG everyone!

Thank you to the judges, not only for playing my silly level but for being open and honest with your judging. I'm glad to see the most subtle things I put into my level mentioned in their reviews, it's a good indication that the judges put a lot of effort into every submission and it's appreciated.

I hope to see everyone here next year
Congrats everyone. See ya next year on KLDCX.

Y'all went wild on creativity this year, which is a pretty good thing
Hmm... 30 points or so. Still, I'm satisfied with the 44th.
Congratulations to all the winning contestants.
I am yoshi9429 enjoying Lunar Magic and Touhou Danmakufu ph3 and RPG Maker MV.
GG to all, in front and behind the scenes! there are some very unique and great entries!
nice to see so many entries as well.
I also enjoyed the video!
ggs and congrats to all the contestants. (hey, that includes me!)
There was a lot of creativity and cool design shown off.
Huge thanks to Doc for hosting, the crew behind the scense, prejudges, Thirdwall and Jon for volunteering to test and of course all of the judges for their time they put aside to give every entry a fair chance as well as articulating feedback.
An especially huge thanks for the Trio of Katun24, LouisDoucet and GlitchCat7, each writing page long feedbacks per level. Everyone should recognize this wasn't necessary, yet it happened.
You three did way more than could have ever been asked and went out of your ways and poured life, time, and extensive thought into analyzing every level, formulating these thoughts and writing them down in an easily understood way, potentally helping and pushing more than half a gross creators into how to refine their designs (or telling them what's worth to be kept / expanded upon).
I do not want to shine a bad light on Lungfish3000 here though. Short and pregnant feedback. Revealing the impression the level is leaving. Nothing more, nothing less.

For me, this has been a wild ride. I knew I wouldn't score high, as I'm currently focussing more on functionality over aesthetics, case study over fully exploring the gimmick(s), as well as trying to walk more of the journey that started with a rejected collaboration.
As it stands, for all that's been good or bad within it, it shall and ever should have been just a teaser of what the result of this journey will be.
These very kind words regarding the level only made it even clearer for me, this project isn't just something else to put in the bin, but to continue pursuing. (And number one of cooking weird ASM is, let it out one at a time. Yes, there is more coming. This project will be chocolate heavy)
And for those of you that said some of the gimmicks would have been more fit for QLDC: Prepare yourself, Winter is coming. #smw{>:)}