gosh, where to begin... i've got so many projects i've wanted to work on for so long, but just never seem to get around to. a lot of them involve hacking, but others not.
I've got a hack in progress that's been on hiatus due to creative burnout. i'd really like to finish it sooner rather than later, but i'm committed to not rushing myself on it.
i've been playing celeste mods a lot, and i'd like to make a full campaign akin to the original game. made my prologue version but that's about it. it's a bit daunting learning a whole new set of tools all over again.
Also wanting to get into mario kart hacking. could do some interesting stuff like really tough time trials of custom maps. i know there's an editor out there but i haven't sought it out too much.
other than that, i've been wanting to take music composition more seriously. i've got probably 40 short piano excerpts and ideas that i'd like to assemble and comprise into an album, and just kind of build skill in that department.
other than that, i've got the classic million ideas for hacks that'll never happen.